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Find Your Freedom Series Episode Eleven: The Universe Don't Play That Game, A True Story
Hello, this is Michelle Barr. Welcome to my Working for Spirit Podcast. I'm bringing you today, a story that I call The Universe Don't play that game. It's a true story. And it's something I want to share with you. I've mentioned it on some of my other podcasts. But like anything else when I mentioned something, and you have it as a theory, versus when I can tell you how it played out in my real life, it can make a big difference.
Let me share with you about this, the universe don't play the if/when game. If you are waiting, you will keep waiting. I cannot tell you how many times my clients tell me they are waiting, waiting for everything they're asking for to show up and then they will start being, doing, and having and I've spent enough of my own years waiting and while I was waiting, I made all kinds of stories about how the universe didn't support me. Where was God? Why wasn't I being taken care of?
But I hadn't actually taken the steps. I hadn't made a decision and I hadn't committed. The universe cannot impede on your Freewill. You always have to go first and it has to be a third dimensional, tangible, inspired aligned action. If you're waiting for the universe to show up first, the universe to rush in and meet you. There are clear reasons once you understand them that you always have to go first.
We are promised freewill as part of our time on earth. Because of that the universe cannot impede on our free will as I was just saying, but it can and will rush in to meet you once you have made a decision and made a commitment. The universe always requires that you go first. Because the universe also always responds to true need. You have to have a true need not a need that I will need this so give it to me now and then I may or may not step out. People stop themselves all the time even when they're receiving a level of support.
I really want you to get this even when they're receiving a level of support. They want more, they want guarantees, they want to know 10 steps down the road. I have built what I have built over the past 15 years at the rate at which I have been willing to work within this law and build my own muscles. I really want you to get that. So I can also come to you and say 100%.
When I make the decision and I make the commitment I learned to read the feedback. These are all the things I'm teaching you all the time, and that I help my clients and students with all the time as well as I use them in my own life. All the time. 100%. This works. That means you can't sit around and wait well if I had all this then I do it. Well must be nice for those other people. They have this and this and this, but they didn't always and everyone gets what they need to move forward. Then they have to take the next step from that new energetic stance and then they get what they need to move forward. It is universal law, that wherever there is a desire a way has already been made.
You don't always know everyone's story. They tell that proverb a lot. I've heard it over the years for many different people. If you were to put all your problems in the middle of a circle and everybody put theirs in there as well. You would very likely take your own back when you saw the whole picture all bundle.
Yes, you can have obstacles, you can have hardships, you can have all kinds of things playing out of why you don't already have what you need, want and desire. But my goal in my strongest and highest intention through this Working for Spirit podcast is to teach you how to work with the universe and with your higher self and with Spirit. You can find all of my episodes at This is a big piece. Take a deep breath.
So many people are waiting, and then they create a story. It's not my time. It's not my time now. God said no. It's never available to me, only to other people. The angel said not now. None of that is true. I want you to understand the universedon't play that game. Period. The end. My true story for you. I know this stuff. I teach this stuff. I coach my clients through this stuff, and I have to live this stuff.
Yes, alas, I have to live this stuff. But it's become my life's Soulwork, my soul purpose, My Spirit work. So I not only live in, I test it out, I experience it with myself then with my clients and students then my community and I bring it to you.
2013, I want to take you back there. It was a tough year for me. I thought it was going to be my breakout year and instead it turned out to be my breakthrough year. At that time, I was teetering gleefully on the edge of a much bigger business. Things had been going great in 2012 I had leapt off some ledges and I was flying pretty high. You will always hear me say always that I attribute a large part of my success to making the decision to hire my first business coach in 2009 and I have not been without one since.
At the end of each year, I'm in search for my new coaches, teachers, mentors and advisors for the new year. I just got back from a big event where I think I have found one of my new mentors for one area of my development. Spirit put that in front of me and I followed the breadcrumbs.
Getting on my soapbox about this for a moment. I have not been without a coach since 2009. I would not ever be. I wouldn't hire a coach who didn't have a coach if you are a coach or wanting to be a coach and your business is not doing well or not even getting off the ground. I can say with 100%, you need to hire a coach and now and because you're not yet quite a match to it. It may feel both exciting and like you're going to be sick at the same time. That's when you want and need to do it.
You cannot sell something you yourself do not believe has value. If you're not using it in your business and your life, you can't convey to others why they should. It will help you save you time, energy and money. Okay, enough of that.
Back to my story. I didn't know what I didn't know. So I came into 2013 with some skewed thinking and some off track perceptions about what I most needed, right. I was seeing success up close and personal. I had a big goal I wanted to achieve in this new year. I was being nudged, I was being guided, I was being pushed by the Spirit world by my Spirit Guides by my higher self. All of that in whatever way you understand that I had a big calling.
It was time for expansion. I love meeting people in that place of transformation that leads to expansion and helping them navigate that and I went for it. I've made some big mistakes and I learned a lot and when I learn I can bring it back to you. What clouded my judgment and kept me from that next level of success was a story and you have to realize I couldn't see it at all when I was in it. It was only from the other side. But now I can help you.
Just like my coaches have helped me become aware and catch things before they take on a life of their own and affect my business and my life and my relationships and my money. In huge waves, what clouded my judgment and kept me from that next level of success was a story I was holding on to and allowing to have power over me, my life, and my business.
I talk to you all the time about your stories, especially your money story and catching your stories. I was on a podcast interview last week you can find it on my Facebook and I will be promoting it again. They asked me of all the things you teach and talk about which is a lot. He was talking about my new book #SoulTeach: Your Guide to manifesting what you need, want and desire. It's a 365 day book, 365 teachings and he said which one is the most and at first my mind was saying how would I ever decide but then it came right in. It's your story. If I can teach people and you will find in that book and in my podcasts and everywhere that you find me and follow me my teachings and trainings I will bring it up a lot.
So there I was with the story that I couldn't quite see. My husband and I had made a big lifestyle move preparing to be empty nesters and creating the life we wanted to live in this next stage of our journey together. We were consciously renegotiating everything. And this included a move of our home. This was going to help me in my business and in my travel and in our relationship and with family. All of these things.
Everything was going great but something happened with the house we were living in before and things stopped going the way we had planned. We were building a new house half the size of our current house and we thought we had everything all worked out. We had a house, a much bigger house and we had to keep paying for it and maintaining it. Now I will tell you now that I'm many years down the road, you know one of my mantras or you should know one of my mantras is “Spirit is always working in my favor”. So now I believe that I used to make stories why is this happening? I did everything on my side. Why is this happening to me?
I don't understand and then you make big stories and I made a very big story which put my good away from me for way too long with this. Now on the other side of it, I totally see Spirit was working in my favor. It wasn't the right buyer. It wasn't the right price. And down the road I was rewarded in huge ways. But at that time, I was still struggling. I had a lot of challenges. And we got in over our head and I got scared. But instead of backing down I was sitting on the gold of my business and I was called to keep creating this life we wanted to live. These are those moments for me where Spirit is really pushing me a little and saying, Okay, do you really believe what you teach? Are you ready to walk your talk even more? I do and I am.
We had a much bigger house and we had to keep paying for it and maintaining it, which kept us stuck in the past while trying to move forward into this wonderful present we had created for ourselves. Wow. Here we were living in the past while trying to move forward into this wonderful present we had created for ourselves. Everything in our current world was completely aligned and delivering us the life of our dreams.
While we kept being pulled back into the past with this house. I just said Wow. Because even as I lived through things, I've talked about them and I've taught them every time I will say something in a way that brings me a new perception or a new way to look at things or a new insight. That's this conscious way of living and being and doing and having that I'm helping you all cultivate and navigate because then I'm always learning and growing because these things come back around again. It's a spiral, it's not a straight line.
Every time you're different energetically and you get to try it out again from a different place and make new decisions from that new place and take new actions which create new results. I was really stuck in this. I was spinning because I had the stress of the business plateaued and stopped and the house didn't go the way I wanted. You all have been there. I started questioning did I read the sign from what is happening? What am I doing? Why isn't it working out?
I got stressed and I got angry and I created a story about it. That used to be my default. I changed it now in big waves.This story followed me into 2013. I can't hire the coach I need right now because that house won't sell. I can't join the program I need because the house won't sell. I can't get that great office I've always wanted because the house won't sell. I really want you to pay attention as I unfold this story. I built up a lot of energy around it. It held me back.
I told the universe the story. So it was because of this universal law. Whatever you say,is. I struggled all year long. I hired coaches that were not the coach that I knew I needed and wanted. I put off making the best decisions for my business. I played it small, I played it safe. I played it wrong and it started affecting my life. In fact, I needed to get the message so clearly that one of those wrong coaches I hired we ended up in a big mess together.
Learning lessons as the story grew bigger, it created more and more sorrow and pain for me until I had finally had enough and I have to drink my own medicine.I was bumping up against my own stuff, which is what happens. I had a lot of private clients in my coaching program and students coming into my spiritual business school. What was I telling them? What was like speaking to others at retreats and meetings on TELUS summits and radio shows. I allowed myself to stay stuck almost all year long and then I had enough. That November I pulled out of my story, and I looked at what I teach and what I believe I did the hardest thing. I made a decision. I owned it 100%. I believed and I took action.
That's when everything in my world and my business changed. Only then did the universe conspire on my behalf. I had to laugh of course I knew it all along, and I could have done this earlier. But I chose to learn the lesson. So another thing I do these days is I always tell spirit.
I learned the lessons with ease and grace. I don't need any more hard lessons. Ease and grace. I will say it served me so well. I marched full speed ahead to the beginning of the next year. What I learned was invaluable. Within days I got a free ticket to an event from the coach I had really wanted to hire. A free ticket to the event. I knew this was the push I would need. So I made the trip happen. And it was scary. I still had to buy the plane ticket. I had to stay in the hotel which was an upscale hotel for me at the time. This is all part of what happens at these events.
You travel there and you uplevel your life and you think differently. So there were those expenses plus time away from home. I came home and I took the next step. I hired the coach. I will share with you that at the event we were invited to a luncheon and they made the offer as they often do for what they were offering so that you could work with this coach, and I was still so despondent about it. I cried. This is not something I do in public. I don't cry to strangers. I don't cry at events like that. I'm not a big crier at all. I cried because my desire and the place I was in and looking out from were clashing so much. I lost the faith again. Then I came home and I took the next step. I hired the coach. It was all scary, given my current circumstances and here's what happened next, within 24 hours, I got a new client that paid me double what my deposit for the coach was. So that was the first positive feedback.
After that four more new clients showed up, enrolled in my private coaching program and paid me in full the amount of money that came in that week covered the costs of this coach for the entire year. Once I stepped up, the clients stepped up.
I want you to get this. Was it magic? Yes. It's the real magic of working with your own energy within the laws of the universe with Spirit. But I also hired the coach and immediately took implementable action that they told me to take. So that is a big part of it.
Then an office space became available where I had been wanting an office space for several years, and I took it. Then my house sold and I got more new clients showing up ready to get started and paying in full. Then my house sold and some extra money came in that we had been waiting on for 10 years. I can tell you the story over and over again. But this was the biggest breakthrough that I wanted to share with you. I assure you now this happens to me over and over every time.
I have another huge story that happened to me last year. I stepped into a bigger agreement with a coach because I was led to than ever before. Remember it's not just stepping in and saying okay, I'll hire this coach and I'll pay her money and money will just come but immediately I got in her energy. I let her pour into me and I started taking aligned inspired action and again, same thing all the floodgates opened up. Because this time, even though I was shaking in my boots, when I was looking at the investment that I was checking in and I knew it was my next best step I was plateaued and I was stuck and I needed something that she had. I needed some medicine from her. When she gave it to me I went with it.
What story are you telling the universe right now about how it is that is not serving? I tell my clients and students all the time you can't play the win/then game with the universe. So many people have come to me over the years telling me but I have all this taken care of when I have all this come in. When I have all this in mind once I sold this. This is coming up in two years then I will step out and live my purpose.
Answer my calling, build my business, do what I am made to do, build my website, and on and on and on. The problem is that it will never work. I have never seen it work yet. Believe me I used to try it too. All it created for me with a lot of pain and struggle and confusion. You were always asked to take the first step, then the universe will rush in to conspire on your behalf. All manner of things show up in response to assist you. I can count on it.
Now, I want to remind you what I talk about all the time. It's for another show and you can find it in everything I teach and I'll continue to talk about it. What also shows up is what needs to be cleared, healed and resolved so you can allow and receive all that you are asking for. Don't miss it. That's what it is. I can count on that too. Does that mean that over the past 12, 13, 14 years I've never had what I needed before I needed it. No.
As my needs are greater in my expansion and my up leveling for a bigger and better coach, mentor, helpers, travel events, all of those things. The investment grew bigger and bigger and bigger. So in the early years, yes and I want to meet you there. Others of you actually have money but you're afraid to spend it or you've agreed to not spend it or you don't want to spend it. So as my needs grew greater in my expansion and my up leveling, say last year for that bigger and better coach and mentor and all the things I needed it still was scary. Because I had money.
When I had stories about not being able to let go with that money, or what that money what would happen with that money. I still had fears around it. It always felt scary and a little out of my reach but doing what I could do I'd already learned. If it's not right it's not going to work. I've applied this to so many other things, not just hiring coaches of course, but when I need, want or desire anything in my life.
It begins with this realizing you cannot play the if/when or when/then game with the universe. Catch yourself if you're doing it. Don't start don't try. You have to take the first step and then the universe rushes in to meet you.
Now there's a lot more here that you'll learn in my manifesting series. You can look at my becoming a vibrational match podcast. I did all of that, that you can already find on my podcast at
As you start putting all the pieces together. Once you get this and you make the decision and you make that commitment, and you stop trying to play the waiting game with the universe and you take the first step and you support yourself 100%. You take inspired aligned third dimensional action, and you learn to keep doing this. The resources will show up and the opportunities to receive, allow and create them will show up.
These are all pieces of the understanding. When they come together, you create the magic to manifest what you need, want and desire. I want to bring your attention to a simple way, my new book I just put out #SoulTeach: Your Guide to manifesting what you need, want and desire. It is a way for me to pour into you every day for a full year. 365 days you can get that on Amazon. Just use it'll take you right to Amazon.
You can also go on my YouTube channel, my Facebook, my website and get all the free resources. Remember I have so much more free on my website, and
Today's story in episode is part of a find your freedom series that I was doing all summer and I have a little bit more so I'm continuing it for a couple more weeks or a month or so. So I have the whole Find your freedom series, which is all about all this that we're talking about. This is a big one. So I'm going to let this land and I'm going to leave you with this today. Thank you so much. This is Michelle Barr Working for Spirit.