Dr. Michelle Barr, Manifesting Expert & Spiritual Life Coach

Find Your Freedom Series Episode Thirteen: Moving Forward Might Not Get You There

Episode Summary

Listen in on today’s Find Your Freedom Series Episode Thirteen on this podcast episode. Find Your Freedom. Doing Life Your Way with Epic Results! Welcome to the Working for Spirit Podcast! Working for Spirit is not meant to take a toll on us. It is meant to be rich with reward for you, for others, and for the world. Consider this your safe place to land and your Next Level Upgrade.

Episode Notes

Episode Notes

A Mindset for Manifesting On Purpose


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Find Your Freedom Series with Your Master Coach, Michelle Barr


Michelle Barr, Founder and Creator of SPIRITUAL COACH SCHOOL



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Episode Transcription

Find Your Freedom Series Episode Thirteen: Moving Forward Might Not Get You There

Hello hello magnificent community. Welcome to another episode in the Find your freedom series. On my working for Spirit podcast you can find all of my episodes and information show notes, transcripts all of it at workingforspiritpodcast.com.

Today I am calling this moving forward might not get you there. You know you can be moving forward and still not getting where you want to go. Stay with me. I've got some things to share with you on this. Meanwhile, you can connect with me at michellebarr.com. You can get a copy of my Free mindset for manifesting on purpose at michellebarr.com/book and my newest book 365 days of #SoulTeach at soul lteachbook.com which takes you right to Amazon. I'm so happy you're here today.

Let's talk about this, moving forward might not get you there. Because there was a time I really went through what a lot of you might were well. I'm stuck and I'm frozen and paralyzed and I'm not doing the things I can do and feeling the way I want to feel and having what I want to have and it's because I'm not moving forward. But once I started moving forward I started learning more and more about taking inspired aligned action and working within the universal laws. 

I found that you can be moving forward and still not getting where you want to go.  I had to look deeper and I had to study the nuances. That's something I've done all along and again this past year really gone deep and deep and deeper into all the nuances of working with the law of attraction and the universal laws so that I can keep getting better and better. 

I've had to get impeccable with my energy. I've had to take honest inventory, all the things that I teach you all to do. I work with a lot of people who get stuck, frozen and paralyzed within action. Sometimes they stay that way for a long time. Suddenly they filled their time in their lives with distractions, excuses and obligations. They feel confused and they stay in that confusion without realizing that confusion is a form of self sabotage. I just did a whole podcast episode on this. 

So I urge and encourage you to listen to that as well. How is your confusion currently serving you? If you wait for confusion to turn the clarity on its own you will wait a very long time feeling confused and not recognizing that confusion is a form of self-sabotage. Then I started having some clients showing up who by all appearances were moving forward. 

They had created success in their lives in some areas, only to realize now that their success does not align with their core values. And that often they have forfeited what is important to them, their dreams and their heart's desires in the process. Then something happens. Life changes. Suddenly they find themselves facing a major life moment. Or anticipating one and they come face to face with their utter dissatisfaction at the state of their lives. Been there. Done that. But hey, they are go-getters, action takers and they are used to digging in and making things happen and so they plod on, yet inside nothing miraculous changes.

They may receive awards and accolades. Many of them receive pretty hefty paychecks and they have nice things to show for it. When they look around. The things they want most are not present and they can't figure out how to get them. Here's the thing: the solution lives in our energy, in our thoughts and beliefs and in the very actions we are taking and not taking. 

When we look at what we really want, the way to it at first isn't clear. We must unravel what appears on the surface and dive deeper. Working with energy is amazing. We can literally change our world and fast. I have women creating new lives for themselves and just 90 days or less. I've done the same over and over again with some really good coaches. The secret is to begin to make the shift and changes and create joy in your life now, and little by little the energy of that grows and things begin to show up in a different and better way in a new way.

The more joy you have the better things get and so on and so on. So yes, it is possible to be moving forward and yet not be able to get to where you are going. This takes support and guidance in the deeper level work. You have a choice point in every moment. Every choice you make an action you take moves you either towards or away from what you most desire. 

Nothing is neutral. This is one of the nine guiding principles I use in my teachings and my work with my clients and students. My coaches request to you look where you are going. Whatever showing up for you now is going to continue to show up for you if you keep doing what you're doing. It may show up in different forms but if you really pay attention, you will begin to see patterns of energies that are in play here. You can also hire somebody a good coach who can do this and help do this with you and for you. I've had those two and those have been life changing moments. We can't always see our own stuff. But you still want to learn to catch your own triggers and your patterns and energies more and more. 

Take some reflection and meditation time to revisit your core values. What do you want your life to look like? What is important to you? If we first create the vision, then we can create everything else to build and support the life we desire. And that will bring us joy, which will bring us even more of the life we desire which will bring us even more joy. Do you see where I'm going here? If you have fallen out of the cycle of fulfilled desires and joy, you can create a better life now. You can make a decision to get moving in the direction of your dreams and desires. Think of steering a large ship or a jet airplane.

Working with the energy and momentum that is being created and turning that around can be challenging at first. But once you reset your course everything falls in line and it gets easier and more effortless with every mile. The most important thing of all is now you are moving forward in the right direction and you will be able to get to where you are

I want you to really think about that. It's a short teaching point. But it could be the key tweaking and turning point for you right now. 

So if you've been moving forward taking the actions it may be time to go deeper. It may be time to really take a look at this. I'm gonna leave you with that today and I will be back soon with more. Thank you so much for being here. Make sure we're connected. Use the free resources I have available to you start your journey with me with the soul teach book 365 days and there's a journal version of that. I am so glad to be here sharing with you now. Thank you so much for listening and I will talk to you again soon.