Dr. Michelle Barr, Manifesting Expert & Spiritual Life Coach

The Hero's Journey Series Episode Nine: Drop Your Money Story to Create a New Reality for You and Your Money

Episode Summary

Listen in on today’s The Hero's Journey Series Episode Nine on this podcast episode. Turn Your Life's Calling Into an Epic Life You Love! Welcome to Dr. Michelle Barr's Podcast! Dr. Barr is a Manifestation Expert and Spiritual Life Coach, Speaking life back into you. She is a Spiritual Entrepreneur, Teacher, Speaker, and Author. Consider this your safe place to land and your Next Level Upgrade.

Episode Notes

New Money Vibration


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Episode Transcription

The Hero's Journey Series Episode Nine: Drop Your Money Story to Create a New Reality for You and Your Money

Hello, this is Michelle Barr. Welcome to my podcast Loving What's Next: What You Want Can Be Yours Now. This is all about getting into that space where you're creating what you need, want and desire now, and it's coming to you with grace and ease and more and more consistently and sustainably. That's what I'm teaching you here. I have just turned my Loving What's Next What You Want can be yours now. Manuscript over to my publisher and it will be out in 2024 and I'm really excited. 

We are right now in the middle of our Hero's Journey series on my lovingwhatsnextpodcast.com.  Today we are talking about something super important. One for me that challenged me for years. Once I got it clicked, I started using it as a powerful tool. It was life-changing and game-changing. It can be everything. 

You will hear me talk with you all the time about your stories especially your money stories. Today we are talking about Drop your Money Story to create a new reality for you and your money.

 I want you to know you can take everything I tell you about this and you can apply it to love and you can apply it to everything else how you feel about yourself, your value, your worth, personally, everything you're working with. I'm going to focus on this because money is not the most important thing. But money touches every single thing that's important to you and it's involved in almost everything that you need want and desire. 

Once you create more flow with this and you remove these sometimes giant obstacles, all these other things start flowing into your life. I can't tell you how many times people would come to me and they would hire me to help them build this business,  get their message out in the world use their gifts, be paid well for that and create a life they love doing, what they're made to do and what they're here to do, which is what I have created. 

All of a sudden this would open up sometimes first,  their soulmate love would come in or they would heal a relationship with their children or a spouse or a parent. The money would come from other places. It's all connected. 

So let's talk about this right now about your money story. You have a Money Story. There is no question. The question is, is Your Money Story serving you or not? Is your story about love or lack of love is your story about family? Is your story about your worth and your value or living the life that you want to live that you desire for yourself? Truly desire is your story about whether serving you or not. 

Your Money Story is attached to your energy. All your stories are attached to your energy and you are attached to it. It can be the best scapegoat for you allowing you to make up excuses and come up with objections for why you can't and shouldn't want take aligned action toward what you say you want most what you need, what you desire. 

Here's what you've got to know, it's a story created by you and you are living within it. So you can see why it's essential then that you identify these stories. Identify Your Money Story, and take honest inventory to answer this question. Is that serving you or not? Then take responsibility for creating and living a money story that works for you, rather than against you. It's time to get really honest with yourself or fewer dragging around that dirty old security blanket because it's comfortable and familiar, even though it is no longer serving you. We do that to ourselves. It's crazy. 

We live these lives of default instead of design before we know how to work with our thoughts, our emotions and work with our brain, our mindset,  our energy and manage our emotions. We keep recreating things that don't serve us and we would say I don't want that. This isn't what I want. Yet here they are. Then we make up stories about why we're in this place we're in and then guess what, whatever you say is is. Then you keep living these stories and it creates a snowball effect and I want you to envision this. It creates a house of cards. 

You might flip the card here and you might flip a card there. But until you get it to that core issue and the root of that belief, that story that you created will collapse the whole house of cards. You just keep building, building building on it, and then you keep keep finding the evidence that supports those stories. It's all your own mind. 

You've got to get control of your mind. We know we can survive it and what's known as failure and uncomfortable and inconvenient. It seems illogical and can even have some pieces of it that feel expensive. We'll keep doing this. Remember this whole thing I've talked about before, I thought I was being so noble and honorable living out the broke healer and the suffering saint.

 I had a Money Story. But once I began taking an honest look at my Money Story. I saw that for over 12 years from the time I changed my career, to be a therapist so that I could live out my purpose as a healer in that first way that I knew how until I left my last job I had created circumstances over and over and over again, that aligned with my story and then I had to live it out over and over and over again.

In every job I had, I never received money directly from the people I was helping. I was always paid by government grants, donations, insurance. I had never seen it before until I saw it then I couldn't stop seeing it. There was a piece of my money story. 

A big part of my story you see was that it wasn't right to take money from people when they were hurting. It also told me that it was okay to receive money for my work as long as someone who had the money was paying for it. This caused me to view the people I was helping his victims, to disempower them and then to fall into their money stories. 

One of the biggest things I learned was I could not any longer fall into the money stories of people who came to me for help. They're not always true. You can't fall into them. Then you do not serve them at all. Everybody else is falling into them. 

Some years later when I was first building my coaching business online, I was in the hot seat in a mastermind with my coach and my colleagues. She called me out when I said “when I am taking money from my client”. Holding right there, she said “you feel that you are taking money from your clients?” that statement was heavily charged and she was right.


The way I had said it, you could feel the energy coming off of me and you could see my body language. I viewed that I was somehow taking away from my clients when they pay me and it was affecting me in big waves personally and my business. I still have that money story playing now even though I had now set up a business where the people I know were the ones paying me directly. I was still somehow seeing them as victims and myself then has to become the perpetrator taking their money. 

Do you see how nothing not even the best strategies would get me out of that one. I just keep going back into it. I had collapsed that whole Blue House of Cards. This is the shift I had to make. I do not take money away from people when they are hurting. People choose to invest in themselves through me for themselves. I am the vehicle for that. This investment is a key part of the transformation. It is none of my business that is between them on their journey with themselves and with Spirit. 

I thought about how I have been investing in others for my own healing growth, personal and professional development and how mean making those investments was a part of the process that created the results I have. Here is an important piece. It is truth and it is true all the time for everyone. I didn't feel like my coaches had been taking money from me and that I was a victim. Some people will play that story out with their clients. But isn't it interesting?  I didn't play it out yet. I was still making it wrong for me. I had to see that because once I was able to become aware of how I was playing this out in my business and draw this money story the way I worked with my client changed dramatically. Clients started showing up happy to pay me often paying in full and they were doing the work and getting the results. They were transforming the transformation I offered them was now available to them because I had transformed first.

 Transformed people transform people. As a coach when I'm speaking with those potential clients and exploring how I can best help them in the early days. I realized after much frustration that I had another problem with Money stories. I was falling into my client's money stories and that was not serving them at all for me. Potential clients would get on the phone which mean many would say they knew I was their coach. They wanted to work with me. They needed to change right now. But money, there were tears and stories and I fell into those stories. 

Then I have supported them in those stories until I realized when I was doing and I learned not to. Falling into their money stories was me not showing up as the coach and healer, I am and that they were seeking. They don't need another person falling into their money stories. So also recognize in your life when you heard the person falling into the money stories of those who love and care about, or those your helping. No wonder they weren't hiring me. They were more certain out of their money stories than I was that I could help them and the strongest energy wins. This is why you have to clean up your crap and manage your energy. 

They were convincing me and suddenly they were victims and I wanted to save and rescue them or worse. Let them off the hook and I found myself kind of like talking to them in this discovery session in this sales conversation. Like, you don't really want to hire me, you can hire me right now. I'm this and that the other. It's an old story for me and one that I have thankfully done away with but for the most part it tries to creep in every now and then but I am so much better now at catching myself. 

Those people getting on the phone with me needed me to meet them at their no money objection and see what was really underneath it. There always is, as I was told by so many coaches that when people say they don't have the money, it's not really the truth and it's not the full story. Even if they can present all this compelling evidence. It's an excuse. It's that dirty security blanket they are dragging around the dirty. The security blanket they are dragging around that they wave in front of them when things get uncomfortable.  

Now they don't have to face their fears and bust down and get through that wall also it goes away, talking about money makes people uncomfortable. They feel uncomfortable. It kicks up their stuff. They are coming to me to help them through it, not to fall into the hole with them not to climb into the ditch with them and sit there. I'm meant to meet them where they are looked down into that ditch, talk to them, offer them a hand up to come out of that hole and then keep walking down the street. 

They will join me when and if they decide. Getting into saving and rescuing people and convincing people and for me convincing energy is old and from my childhood so it really knocked me out every time. I didn't always believe what those coaches said until I had it happened to me once and once again and once more brick to the head moments. 

People who told great big stories about having no money and if only I would then go and hire and pay someone else and I would find out about it. People will find the money for what they want and need and what they see value in. How they do it, the way they get it, it's none of your business. I once had a client, sell her car. I once had a client, sell a piece of furniture so she could write her book and get it published. I no longer felt bad for that. Those were opportunities presented to them. I didn't tell them to do it. But I also didn't feel bad about it. I want to sell my car for something I wanted, I need it and I never regret it. 

So I started believing in people will find the money for what they want need and what they see value in. I wasn't seeing my own value and worth I wasn't standing in it and I was not believing it. People feel that they sense that. So how could they. Anytime you're looking for other people to put your value and worth on you? They won't. They can't. Those are some hard lessons to learn some bricks to the head as I like to call them. I made assumptions about people from the stories they were telling me. 

Then I found out differently. When I discovered that financial freedom was really all about knowing how to create the money I needed and wanted when I needed and wanted it, everything changed, I still have that ability and that is true freedom and I come back to it and remind myself and dig in deep whenever I'm challenged or struggling. 

Freedom is my highest core value. It always has been but when my money story was running the show it got very, it didn't stand a chance. I made a decision when I became clear and committed, that money was not going to make the decisions in my business and it wasn't going to make the decisions in my life anymore especially where my spiritual journey was concerned. 

I held that and held that until I made it true. I learned how then to create a vision of the life I wanted to live and then create what supports and sustains that and for me, it included a business that supports and sustains that and the best part is once you have this skill, and you know how to do this over and over again. It changes. My life changes, a new season, a new reason, a new age, a new stage and I'm able to do this. I'm not stuck in one way once I'm ready to outgrow it and evolve beyond it. 

Once my desires bubble up for more and better. I learned how to make decisions and commitments based on what I needed and wanted and then create the money for it. Here's a hack I found that works wonders. When I talk to potential clients now and they say yes, but no money. I teach them this. I urge and encourage you to try it too. When I find something that I want or need, I learned I never say I can't afford it or I don't have the money. I don't want to live that story. 

Whatever you say is, is. I believe that wherever there is a desire, a way has already been made. It's a universal law. We can count on it. I find out how much money it is going to cost me so I know when I have to ask someone what it'll cost me. I say in a high energy state, my brain and my heart fully engaged in believing. Tell me how much money this is so I can create it. Instead of scarcity how much money is that? I don't think I'm gonna have that I'm scared to ask. 

Tell me how much money this is so I can create it and I already see myself having it being in doing it. I am so excited. It is all about energy and intention. It is about the brainwave state and the emotions the energy in motion, coming from your heart and the two coming together. Then I go to the Universe with my clear ask. I say, I am creating X number of dollars for this. Remember the Universe responds through meet. So instead of saying yeah, well if this works, give me a million dollars or give me $100,000 Pick one need you have right now chunk it down and create that first. 

I am creating X number of dollars for this. Don't aim low but don't aim so high. You can't hold the belief yet. I do not want to use the money. I already have because it is earmarked for other things. I am creating X number of dollars for this. I do not want to use the money I already have because it is earmarked for other things. I am creating new money for this then I become hyper alert. 

I watch for opportunities to show up. I know they may feel uncomfortable or inconvenient. They may seem illogical but I follow the breadcrumbs regardless, sometimes money will show up here in sample. Other times the opportunity to create or receive money will show up at times both happened simultaneously. So you're watching for breadcrumbs to follow which you don't know yet where they'll leave and or you're watching for opportunities to show up right now. That will stretch and grow you but that you will say yes to and step in.

I trust now the money is there for me and I stay in that energy. Again, this is energy management at first. You can't stay in that energy all the time. When I've taught this to a potential client while they're on the phone with me. Often it works pretty quickly and I get a call or a message that the money did come in and that now they are ready to start. 

Take my advice here. When you do this, the money comes in. You need to keep your agreement with the Universe and put that money toward what you asked for. This money story kicks in your fear starts whispering to you. Your programming and conditioning are playing in the background. You might very well be tempted to take that money and do something reasonable or responsible with it. 

Do you want to shut off the flow? You made a clear ask and the Universe delivered. Do you want to break your agreement with the Universe was Spirit. When I received the money from the first dollar to the last, I put it off right away toward what I asked for. I keep my agreements with the Universe and I do my part. Hear that. Let it land. 

When you are doing these processes, you have a part and Spirit has a part. I keep my agreements with the Universe and I do my part. I learned to hold my energy and stay in the energy I let go of that no longer serves me. 

Money is energy and it is neutral until we give it meaning and there is money meeting that comes from the minute you are born. You're in that crib, you're in your parent's arms. 

Before you even understand language, you are in your household. You’re picking up the energy in your household and from those people you depend on that you are bonded with, and connected to. 

As you're growing up, you get beliefs in the energy around money, then you go to school, and then you're in society in the culture and you're watching movies and TV shows and you're reading books, and you're hearing other people talk and when people talk about money, it's heavily choked.

Money is energy and it's neutral until you give it meaning you and money are in an energetic relationship it touches everything that is important to you how you treat it, you will reflect back on how it shows up for you or doesn't. You want to work energetically to clear and heal your issues with money before and while you are taking these new actions that include requiring new money, new money thoughts, new money feelings, new money, emotions, new money beliefs. If you are going to set out to make an ask to the Universe, manifest what you need want and desire. This is a non-negotiable, you're gonna bump up against it every single time. 

You can start to identify your money story and the ways it's not serving you by tuning in to how you are feeling and what you are saying, when money comes up. Notice your first response. Hear the stories you start telling. Notice when you're around your family and your spouse. What money stories you're hearing and seeing play out and then listen to your children and see what you've already passed to them. These will give you clues where you can’t hear it or see it for yourself. 

Pay attention to how others talk about money that are around you, in your work place when you all are talking amongst each other. What are you saying over and over again. It becomes so much a habit just like, Hi how are you? I'm fine. Take note when you allow money to make your decisions and override your desires. Your gut, feelings, your nudges and the callings of your soul. 

Creating a new awareness is the first step always in everything I'm teaching you facing these money issues and your money crap head-on. It's a great start. Then it's time to work on your money mindset. Identify whenever you are slipping into poverty consciousness. Once you have done this you are ready to create a new money story for yourself.

But one that serves you, you begin by creating it, scripting it. Then you start telling it, you take aligned action toward what you say you want most. You step into the river of the law of giving and receiving. If you are not already in there, you stop playing the win/then game getting with the universe. 

You do your part, and you trust that the universe will rush in to meet you. When you go first, you always have to go first and I'll remind you why we are given free will when we come here to Earth and do this earth journey with the Spirit and the Universe. 

Spirit will not impede on our free will. But the minute you take action and you have true need and then you take action, the Universe will rush in to meet you. If you're looking for some help with this and the thing I talked about the tool I shared with you about new money, really lights up for you go look at newmoneyvibration.com. I've got a resource there for you. It's a low investment, and if that's not what you want, right now start by doing these things, you can listen to this again and again.

 It'll go up today on my podcast at lovingwhatsnextpodcast.com. Pretty soon within the next few days, there'll be a transcript of it as well. Thank you so much. We are still working through the Hero's Journey series. You can find all my teachings and trainings I've been done doing for you on all of this on my Loving What's Next podcast. 

If you want a 365-day book, look at my soulteachbook.com. You can get a book where every day, I give you one nugget to put into action to reflect on. There's a journal version if you like really writing in there and journaling or journal on your own. You can also get on my social media primarily Facebook but all of it and use #SoulTeach and pull up all kinds of things reveals videos podcasts where I did videos like I did today, and quotes and postings and all of it. I have so many resources for you. I also would love if you reach out to me and let me know you can email me from my website, michellebarr.com. You can also Facebook message me and let me know that you're looking for something that you need help and you want help and you're looking for something.

 I'm creating my new offerings where you can move forward with me in these next months. As we move into this new year. If you're listening to this on Route replay, this always goes but always in October. I'm setting people up to finish this year strong and move into the new year and if you know, this is what I need and want right now I need the help. I'm not doing it on my own. If that's not where you are right now, just start by doing something every day I offer you things, little big bite. You can also get my free 21-day email course intuitivesuccesscoach.com.

All of these resources will be in the show notes when I post this and I can't wait to talk to you again soon. For more, you can do this. Change your Money Story, change the stories and create the life and create what you need want and desire. What you want can be yours now. I'm going to leave you with that.