Dr. Michelle Barr, Manifesting Expert & Spiritual Life Coach

The Hero's Journey Series Episode Seven: Create a Vision of the life you want to live then create a business that supports and sustains it

Episode Summary

Listen in on today’s The Hero's Journey Series Episode Seven on this podcast episode. Turn Your Life's Calling Into an Epic Life You Love! Welcome to Dr. Michelle Barr's Podcast! Dr. Barr is a Manifestation Expert and Spiritual Life Coach, Speaking life back into you. She is a Spiritual Entrepreneur, Teacher, Speaker, and Author. Consider this your safe place to land and your Next Level Upgrade.

Episode Notes

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Episode Transcription

The Hero's Journey Series Episode Seven: Create a Vision of the life you want to live then create a business that supports and sustains it

Hello! Welcome to my Loving What's Next podcast. This is Michelle Barr and we are deep into our Hero's Journey series. 

You can find all the episodes and all the different training series that I've done for the podcast at lovingwhatsnextpodcast.com 

You can find me at lovingwhatsnext.com or michellebarr.com. You'll be hearing more and more about the Loving What's Next as I roll that out. I'm in the middle of a book deal, writing a book. I have a New York publishing book deal for this book, and I'm very excited. I'm in the process of writing it, “Loving What's Next: What you Want, can be yours now.

As we move today into the next episode of my Hero's Journey Podcast. Today, I'm going to talk to you about the unfolding of my own journey in which I learned how to create a vision of the life you want to live and then create a business that supports and sustains it. So for all of you who are very interested and excited to explore the possibilities of turning your life's calling into a profitable business you love this is something that I did. It's a big part of my story. 

You can apply this in a lot of different ways, passion project, uncore career, heart-based business, using your gifts, all of these different things that have meaning and purpose and bring meaning and purpose to your life and help you live your life on purpose and in your purpose. 

Today I'm going to talk a little bit about what I did. I've had my business now for 16 years. I have not had a job since 2006. It has been an incredible journey. This has been a big part of my life. The life I've been able to create the freedom I've been able to create.  I'm writing about all of this in the book. This is my fourth book by the way. You can go to Amazon, you can find my author page Michelle Barr, go to my website and you can find out about all of my books there. 

So create a vision of the life you want to live and create a business that supports and sustains it. But not everyone’s  called to the entrepreneurial world. You can create work, you can create other things, but it's important that you learn to create a vision of the life you want to live and then create the support and sustainability of that. Instead of so many people. I did it in my early days for a couple of decades and people do it all the time. This is what we're really programmed and conditioned to do and that is find a job and then create your whole life, around the job. 

So I'm telling you to flip that on its ear, flip that around. Once I learned that the highest good of all has to include me or it's not the highest good. Yeah, let that land because now I say well, of course of course. But when a coach first said that to me, it hit me and I wasn't sure and I was thinking, “Well now wait a minute”, because those of us who are programmed to be the helpers and the healers in the world.

 We don't always get this piece yet I couldn't really be the biggest helper and healer and teacher and leader in the world until I lived this. The highest good of all has to include me or it's not the highest good. 

Yes, the highest good of all has to include you or it's not the highest good. I also learned that doing this work requires extreme self-care.  I learned that I couldn't change the world if I was broke. I saw that I needed to start with a vision that I would create everything from this as a tool that I use to turn my very expensive hobby into a profitable and sustainable business.

It's a tool I continue to use because as I grow and evolve, and as I move into new seasons and new circumstances in my life, I want to always be creating a business and work and money and structures and processes and systems and foundations that ultimately support and sustain the life I want to live. This is one of the biggest payoffs of walking this path and doing this work. Use this visioning exercise for five minutes a day that I teach my clients, my students. 

When I'm speaking on podcasts and summits I write about it in my books. For just five minutes every day, vision what your life will look like and what you will feel like living this life you imagine. Use all your senses. What does it feel like? What does it look like? Where are you living? What are you driving? What are you doing with your day, your time off and when you're working? Who's around you? Who's not? What are you eating? Where are you going? What does your day look like, your week, your month, your year? 

Use all your senses. It's important to leave the how’s to the universe so don't let that little voice come in. That's unreasonable. That's unrealistic. That could never happen. Then we tend to tamp down our desires. I have come to learn with myself and all the hundreds and 1000s of clients and students I've served over the years. First as a therapist and as a hospital chaplain. Then in my current business as a coach, a speaker, a teacher, a healer, an author. You can trust your desires 100%. So use this vision to leave the how’s to the universe. They don't have a place right now. 

The Universe, Spirit orchestrates all of this in ways you never could most of the things and certainly all the greatest things that happened to me, happened to me in ways that I could never have imagined much less orchestrated. Tap into what you require and what you desire and don't get caught up in whether or not that is possible or reasonable. It is a universal law, that wherever there is a desire a way has already been made. This was a game-changer for me. 

Once I really believed this and used it as a guiding principle. You're putting your order into the Universe for what you want include everything. How are you living? What is your day look like? What are you doing with your time, your money and your resources? Who is with you? Where do you live? What car are you driving? Where are you traveling? What are you eating? Where are you doing your work and how? Allow this vision to come to life. At first you will be actively creating the vision and then you will notice the vision will start shifting and things will appear before you. Work with this vision and allow it to expand and grow. Do this for just 30 days and watch what happens.

You will notice that things in your vision start showing up in physical form. Notice, amplify exaggerate your positive response. Positively expect it.  They may show up as opportunities they may show up as gifts. House for healing center that you have been envisioning may suddenly drop in your lap that happened to me 16 years ago. People will show up with pieces of the puzzle you have been seeking that happens to me all the time. 

Breadcrumbs will appear. Follow the breadcrumbs always, even when they don't make sense, especially when they don't make sense. When you suddenly think of your best friend in high school out of nowhere, look her up. If you're suddenly guided to go somewhere, reach out to someone to send an email or call someone. You hear the title of a book three times. Pay attention. I have been known many times to jump up out of bed and send an email or a message in the moment I receive it because I know a door has been opened in a way has been paid. 

I take inspired action immediately. Then I watch what shows up next. I was really busy in the early stages of building a profitable business after having to shut down my healing center for the expensive hobby that I had created. By the way I made a decision and a commitment to not stop. And then that decision and that commitment and in that energy, as I was locking the door for the last time to Hope House, my healing center. I turned around to find a colleague standing on the sidewalk behind me. No joke, and she invited me to take a space in her new holistic spa for a month without payment and I ended up staying much longer than that. I had helped her out when she had first come to town by giving her space in my place. 

Now she wanted to help me. What I want you to get here is Spirit is always providing and rushing in to meet you. But Spirit cannot impede on my free will and it was part of my growth and development to stand there in that moment. I could have said that's it. I'm going home. I'm going to sit on the couch, forget this. I need a break. This doesn't work. I'm gonna go get a job but the minute that I made the decision and commitment in this case, literally because I was living and working these principles and it can work that fast. The Universe connects the dots. Spirit provides. I walked straight over and moved in. I was not even out of business for one day. 

I had just moved in there and I had a lot to do my thoughts kept getting interrupted with thoughts of someone I knew but had not seen or talked to in 20 years. He had been a friend of mine in high school he had also been my ex-husband's roommate. Yeah. Why exactly do I want to find out where he is and make contact with them? I had no idea but I've learned to follow the breadcrumbs and I walked my talk. So I put down what I was doing. I looked him up on Facebook, which was still in its infancy in those days. But there it was a tool for me. I reached out made contact with him thinking, I don't really know why I'm doing this and he got back to me really quickly telling me he didn't know I moved back to the area. He said he was interested in what I was doing. He was surprised by it. 

Soon after that he showed up at my office with a friend and that friend was instrumental in moving forward and gifting me with an important piece of the puzzle I was missing at the time. And that piece just served me again 15 years later getting the book deal that I got. Again I want you to get this. Understand it fully, Spirit knows what all to be put in your path to help you. What if I said I'm not looking at my ex husband roommate, high school friend. That's ridiculous. 

For whatever reason or excuse I would make, she helped me. Then she helped me much over the next years. We became friends, colleagues, business partners. It was wonderful. I played a role in her life and growth and development. She played a role in mine. All the way up to this latest boo deal with a piece of the puzzle. The first conversation we had, she said oh my gosh, I know why I'm carrying this around in my briefcase and gave me a missing piece. She played an important role in my life both personally and professionally for many years. He had been struggling with something for a long time. 

The death of a dear friend who I had known as well, and he became a client of mine for a while and received healing and closure with this. The Universe connects the dots. A key factor I tell my clients as soon as I start working with them is be in business now. You are in business now. No more getting ready to get ready. Your dream clients are only two steps behind you. They just need you right now to get them from where they are to where you are. You just know how to speak in a way that they understand what solution you can provide for them and why they need to work with you. 

There are things you have to learn Yes, but it's your story and it's already in you and you know it. You need to learn how to create a clear message, a clear offer and a clear path so they can come running toward you with their hands raised and their credit card in hand knowing you're the solution to the answer to what they've been asking for. You need to figure out the business part of your spiritual business equation. You have to learn how to package and price and promote your work to those who are searching for you.

 I had to do three things to turn my business and my life around. I had to show up. I had to make a decision. I had to take aligned action. If and I can impart this to you, it  will serve you all the time in all ways. I had to show up. I had to make a decision. I had to take aligned action. It's time for you to get really honest about how much you are and aren't showing up. 

I told you I would tell you more about these things as we go along in this podcast series and in another episode if you've been following along, I mentioned about the spotlight in my visionary Spiritual Teacher in the spotlight. So if you heard it, here it is and if you're catching up with it, then you'll still be able to get something just follow me here. 

There's something called hand analysis and when I have hand analysis done, it brought out my purpose right in my hands through someone who did not know me at all. Visionary spiritual teacher in the spotlight.So I was talking in another episode about spotlight and people who have spotlight and if you're like me, you can't get around it in order to be successful and make money and live in your purpose and fully show up. 

You're gonna have to get in the spotlight. I had to become the speaker. I had to become the teacher. I had to become the author. I had to get on stages. When I was doing mediumship, I had to get on the platform. A lot of people sit and they do one to one readings for mediumship no. Spirit called me onto the stage, on to the platform. If you have spotlight, you cannot run from it. You cannot ignore it. 

Until I embraced it, the things I was doing just weren't quite working. Not everyone has spotlight in their life purpose. But if you do, you have to put yourself in the spotlight to create the sacred success that is yours. Even if you don't fully know what all this is yet, where you don't fully understand it or you weren't listening when I was talking about it before. Something in you is resonating in speaking to you and that's why I was just led to talk about it again in this moment because it's key to what I'm talking to you about. 

My mentor that was the hand analyst and first read my life purpose in my hands kept telling me you have to be in the spotlight. The more you are in the spotlight, the more money you will make and the more people you will be able to impact and serve. I had to work my way toward the spotlight but still I hesitated. I created a lot of frustration for myself. When I finally trained as a speaker, got my first book written and stepped into the spotlight. My business doubled in income and impact in less than a year and here I am now writing my fourth book. With my first New York publishing contract, I continue to step into the spotlight. I had to show up. 

Remember number one show up and the reason I'm talking about spotlight is because some people will be able to show up in small ways or in individual ways and it will work for them and others will play it too safe and it won't work for you because you're meant to be in the spotlight. 

So I had to show up then I had to make a decision. Then another one and another one and here's the thing. A decision has not been made until an action has been taken. I had to take aligned action toward what I wanted most over and over again. You have a choice point in every moment. Every choice you make and every action you take moves you either toward or away from what you want. You're always moving either toward or away from what you want. Where are you resisting right now? 

Showing up, making a decision or taking aligned action. This is that honest inventory. It's time to take. There is always a way forward from wherever you now stand. Allowing yourself to stay in confusion is a coping mechanism. If you are in confusion, it is serving you in some way. There are two ways out of confusion either you need to know something you don't know. In that case you need to hire someone to get the information, read a book, watch a YouTube video take a class or do some research. search out a mentor  or you need to clear heal and resolve something in that case. 

You need to seek out the help of an advisor, a guide a healer, a coach, a therapist and alternative medicine practitioner, a pastor or a support group. I have been talking a lot about universal law already. I always do. I have identified universal guiding principles that I lot learned along the way.  I have learned that when I understand and live in accordance with universal law, my life works and I'm able to create the sacred success I desire. So I'm going to share with you right now my nine universal guiding principles. If you love them, if you want to revisit them, you don't have to write them down you can go to nineuniversalguidingprinciples.com. 

I put them into a PDF you can save or you can print it out, hang it up in your space, keep it on your phone, whatever you want to do.

1.Energy flows where attention goes. What we resist persists. Pay close attention to what you are focusing on. What are you thinking about? What are you feeling how much time are you spending focusing on what you want? How much time are you spending focusing on what you don't want. 

2. Everything counts. Everything matters. You've got to get this, a choice point exists in every moment. Our life is shaped by the series of choices we make along the way. Become more conscious about the choices presented to you. Become more conscious of your ability to choose. This requires a shift in perspective from victim to creator and it's a continuum. Everyone's operating at any time somewhere in there. This requires taking complete responsibility for all of it. 

3. Everything is energy. You are an energetic being in the energetic exchange with the Universe and everyone and everything in it. Learn about your own universal energy you energy and how to use it to heal yourself and to create your extraordinary life. Learn to work with this everything that shows up in your life is there for a reason. You can learn to interpret this,recognize it, heal and clear it and create your life, your way. 

4. When we begin to dream big dreams to set intentions and goals for ourselves. When we begin to strive for a more extraordinary life. Everything that is not in alignment with that rises up to be cleared, healed or transformed. I call that your stuff coming up. When you step into your intentions, dreams and goals, your stuff is going to come up. You can choose to heal and clear this so that you can move forward. Step out of mediocrity into your most extraordinary expression and experience and soar. 

5. A big one I'm constantly having to talk about learn to leave the house to the universe. Get to the essence of what you want. Dream big. See it, feel it, live it, love it, be it. Do not waste your time asking How. How could this possibly happen for me? Don't let your logical mind take over and try to figure it all out. That will take you right into stories of limitation, scarcity and lack. The universe can create miracles after we move out of the way. We have to move out of the way.

6. Get out of your head and get out of your stories. We all have created stories we tell others in ourselves that define who we are and what our lives are about. These stories have power over us. They are highly charged with words and emotions. We can become trapped within our stories. start recognizing what stories you are telling. Then stop telling your stories. I have a lot out there about this this is a big tool for you to use. It is key that you recognize when and where you're telling stories and stop it and change your stories. 

7. The Law of Attraction is always on. It always exists whether you believe in it or not. Whether you're actively working with it or not. It is not something you can spend some time on here and there and then get consistent results. 

A common misperception I see people making is that they set aside some time to meditate or journal or say their affirmations or attend a workshop or retreat and then they step right back into living their life with their limiting beliefs, bad habits and unhealthy patterns and toxic emotions driving their bus. Then they wonder why the law of attraction doesn't work. 

8. Once you get into the flow, don't stop, act, assess and adjust. Keep going. So many people stopped just short of acting. They hesitate and then they miss the moment of the energy that has stepped in to meet them. You can learn to stay connected to Source Creator energy and to receive inspired actions, then it's still up to you to act. This is one of the things that broke my heart and really got me writing my books and getting up on stage and coaching and teaching and all of it. 

Too many people never take any action toward what they say they want most. Then they wonder why they don't have it. 

9. Before the doing comes the being. This one is counterintuitive to a lot of people when they first start working with it. Many people come for help and they say okay, tell me what to do and I'll do it. If you can guarantee that I'll get these results and I want to know all the steps ahead of time. 

They say that when they have something when the Universe provides then they will do something that will allow them to be something it doesn't work that way. You have to be the thing you want to be first, you have to do the things that people like that would do and then you will have what people like that have. We call this the be, do, have. I have learned over the years a very important thing. You have to become the person that gets the results you need, want, and desire. 

These principles once applied become more than a way of doing things. They become a way of living in a way of being. They have for me and I will always tell you to do the energetic work first. The more you learn to work with the energy of the creative process and the energy of you your energy, the less action you're required to engage in, you begin to attract to you everything you need. 

Once you can take the inspired actions and follow the breadcrumbs and learn how to read the feedback. things begin to come together more easily and effortlessly in a way that you know, is coming from the universe. Doesn't that sound like a great way to live? It is. 

Right now in this moment, what is the most important thing you need to do? Show up? This is key.  Show up now and show up in every moment. Be ready and willing partner with the Universe. Excited to co-create, show up and trust that you already have everything you need. I had a coach that told me, can you trust that you have everything you need in this moment? When an opportunity shows u, it couldn't show up unless it's a match for you. 

But it also could stretch and grow you if it's something new, you've been wanting, meeting and desiring and you don't already have it, you're going to stretch and grow. It's going to stretch and grow you show up for yourself now. 

Remember that visioning. I want you to start it right now and commit to 30 days and if you miss a day, just keep going five minutes a day and watch what happens. You can also work with your vision through other tools but don't miss what I've taught you. You can also journal automatic write create vision boards meditate, pray set intentions and do creative expression of any kind. That's inside of you. 

Begin with the belief that you are here to have the spiritual journey of your dreams. You are here to be guided and supported. What is asked of you is to show up and you've got to do it first. The universe cannot impede on your freewill spirit cannot impede on your freewill. You can build the life you want to build. 

You can build the spiritual business you love that is profitable and supports and sustains that light. I'm gonna leave you with this today. You can find me on Facebook every day you can find resources that I have for you you can get my first book now free as a digital download at michellebarr.com/book or just go to michellebarr.com 

I have my FREE 21 day email course how to move forward in any area of your life and go to lovingwhat'snextpodcast.com I am so excited. You're here in the show notes. When you go to the podcast. You can find the nineuniversalguidingprinciples.com print that out and start living by these and here's one extra tool for you. I do this all the time when I'm teaching and with my clients and students. 

Take those nine universal guiding principles sit down, get a notebook if that helps you read through each one. Notice which ones you can go, yes, that I already believe that I know that and they line you up in which ones you're like, I don't know, or you're neutral about and then which ones trigger you because this happened to me. Do they make you mad? Why would it be that way? Why does it have to be that way? That's not fair. Or that's not true or I can't believe it. 

This will show you what is calling to be cleared, healed and resolved. So you've got the tools. You've got the resources you've got me you can listen to this again, over and over again. Thank you so much and I will be back soon to continue the Lovin Whats Next podcast and the Hero's Journey series. Until then, keep working on it. You'll get there and what are we going to start doing? Show up. Make a decision. Take aligned action. I'm going to leave you with that. Thank you.