Dr. Michelle Barr, Manifesting Expert & Spiritual Life Coach

The Hero's Journey Series Episode Ten: Clean Up The Stuff That Is Getting In Your Way to Move Forward

Episode Summary

Listen in on today’s The Hero's Journey Series Episode Ten on this podcast episode. Turn Your Life's Calling Into an Epic Life You Love! Welcome to Dr. Michelle Barr's Podcast! Dr. Barr is a Manifestation Expert and Spiritual Life Coach, Speaking life back into you. She is a Spiritual Entrepreneur, Teacher, Speaker, and Author. Consider this your safe place to land and your Next Level Upgrade.

Episode Notes

Zero Limits by Dr. Joe Vitale



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Episode Transcription

The Hero's Journey Series Episode Ten: Clean Up The Stuff That Is Getting In Your Way to Move Forward

Hello, and welcome to my podcast. This is Michelle Barr and this is your Loving What's Next podcast. I am in the middle of the Hero's Journey series. This is your next episode. This is an important one. This is where people get stucked,  stopped, paralyzed, frozen. They go into fight or flight or freeze and they derail themselves and start self-sabotaging and start backpedaling and start moving away from what they say they want most and then they wonder why they don't have it. 

Clean up the stuff that is getting in your way to move forward. I always talk about the minute you dream big dreams and set big intentions and tap into and connect with your truest desires, everything that is not in alignment with that is going to rise up your stuff is going to rise up to be cleared, healed and resolved. It's actually an integral part of the process. So we're going to have some tools here today we're going to talk about things you can do to clean up the stuff that is getting in your way to move forward and not get stuck in that beta survival brain that fight or flight, that freeze and move into those higher brainwave states and those higher energetic stances and states of being so that you can have what you need, want and desire, what you want can be yours now. 

Before I could ever start my business, I had to work on me and it's been that way all along. I'm actually today in the middle of a big up level that's been working its way through me for some months now. This last week, in the past two weeks, I have started receiving all the fruits, the effects of the causes that I put into motion, the fruit of the consequences. But I had to work on me and specifically on all the mental and emotional clutter that was preventing me from receiving inspiration and stopping me from acting on it. 

The Truth about limitation is it's all self imposed. As the fairy godmother points out to Cinderella in one of my favorite songs. I actually go around the house singing it . Impossible things are happening every day. We receive information in two ways. We receive information from data and we receive information from divinity. How clear we are of the mental and emotional clutter, and how well we have trained ourselves to stop reacting and to respond and create instead determines which way we most often received the information we need to live our lives and create what we want need and desire. 

When we're receiving our information from data we are reacting from our past programming and conditioning. When we receive our information from divinity, we are receiving inspiration straight from source. It doesn't come in through the mind where the mind can grab hold and throw all our limiting beliefs back out of us. We learn to bypass that. This is the kind of information that moves you forward. The data is what keeps you stuck and stops you in your tracks. Dr. Joe Vitale taught me this and it has been invaluable to me in creating the life I love and a business that supports and sustains it over and over and over again all along the way. I now only do when I am made to do and as I grow and evolve, my business grows and evolves as well and my life grows and evolves.

 I came across a book by Dr. Joe Vitale over a decade ago now called Zero limits and it changed my life. This book introduced me to a clearing and healing method I now use every day. So as he it is called Ho'oponopono. Some of you will recognize that right away and others of you will say “ha what? Or I think I heard something about that or I have no idea what you're even talking about”. Ho'oponopono.

I knew Joe Vitale from the movie and the book The Secret and it had a huge impact on me so much so that I turned my life into an experiment for the law of attraction and that led me to starting my healing center in my local community, which was the beginning of the thriving global online business I have now as a coach of best selling author, a speaker and a teacher.

 I want to share a story with you about me and Dr. Joe Vitale that illustrates the difference in me getting my information through data versus getting my information through Divinity by way of inspiration that I can then take action on this is important to understand as action is how we receive what we are asking for. It is already there. Data can keep us from seeing the opportunities and taking aligned action toward what we say we want most. 

Many years ago I was on a day trip with my husband and we were visiting a little town in the Texas hill country called Wimberley. It's a beautiful little town with water running all through it, green rolling hills and it has this quaint downtown area with lots of shops and restaurants and artisans booths. I was thinking about Joe Vitale because I knew he lived in this little town. 

While we were exploring we went into a book and curios shop and I wandered to the back where there were shelves and shelves of books. I am a true book lover and then I saw this whole shelf of books written by Joe Vitale. He will tell you he's the author of more books than he can mention and it is true. I picked one up and I looked at the cover that I turned it over and I read the back. I looked at his picture holding the book close to me. I imagined what if Joe Vitale walked in here right now? And I got to see him. That's it. That was the dream. That was the biggest dream I could dream at the time.

 I have another mentor who always told me when you see someone doing something and being something and it lights you up. It's because that is in you. That potential is within you and your soul is speaking to you. I wish I'd known that back then it would be some years before I hired a mindset mentor to help me move forward to be and do and have those things that lit me up when I saw them and others. In that moment standing in that bookstore. That was the dream I was dreaming. It would be some more years before I would realize what was also inside me and actually start taking aligned action to receive it for myself. 

I'd love to think now how Spirit was looking down on me and laughing saying Oh, you just wait. You can't even begin to imagine how we are going to fulfill this dream. We have some work to do. Do you feel us nudging you? Do you hear us whispering it's time to wake up. Fast forward to another moment in time. Dr. Joe Vitale was my mentor. I took inspired and aligned action while I was invited by an email to come to Wimberley to a ranch for the weekend and study advanced Ho'oponopono with Joe some of his clients and 50 people who flew in from all over the world

I said yes I've learned to say yes. When the opportunity comes up. This one was uncomfortable. It could have been inconvenient. My calendar I still had kids at home. I had activities going on. I had a full time job. My husband was very busy with his work and money was sometimes tight and this was a significant investment. I said yes. I went, I kicked off 2018 by having a private dinner with Joe and one of his right hand man. He picked me up in his Bentley and took me to dinner and we masterminded my business. 

I asked him for my million-dollar idea after showing him everything I've done and all that I have created over the past decade and he gave it to me further down the way I said yes and I spent a year in a small group mastermind, going through his newly created zero limits mastery curriculum, and being mentored by him personally through online conference calls. Then that following summer, I started meeting with him in person for further training into zero limits mastery. 

This work and the clearing and healing tool that comes with it. Zero limits and Ho'oponopono are a major part of my life and instrumental in the work I do within my business and with my clients and in every area of my life. You can read all about Ho'oponopono and  the book zero limits. Make sure you read Dr. Hugh Lynn story. It is truly amazing. Dr. Hugh Lynn speaks of his work in a psychiatric hospital for the criminally insane and how he used this powerful clearing and healing tool to heal the patients, the hospital, the burned out overworked staff and everyone connected to it. 

I was working in a psychiatric hospital when I first came across his story and it impacted me greatly. There's so much you can find about Ho'oponopono all over and reading the book zero limits and now he's written more books to go along with it. I want to just give you the basics here because we're talking about some other things in this episode as well. 

Ho'oponopono is a prayer, four simple phrases. I love you. I'm sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. The key is the intention behind it that shapes the energy and directs it. Too many people are always focused on everything and everyone outside of them. If this person would change if that person would do different and be different, if these people would just stop this or start that then the person projecting all this would be okay. I can talk about this. I used to do this all the time. 

But here's the thing: no one else is responsible for your happiness. You cannot make anyone else change when you are locked in a dance with someone else. You can choose to stop doing the dance and this will cause them to have to change. You just don't get to choose how they change because everyone has free will. 

Using Ho'oponopono, I really want you to get this you are always clearing yourself. 

You are clearing away that data, the programming and conditioning you are acting from you are making a way back to the zero field, the creative void where all possibilities exist for you. Dr. Joe always has his whiteboard right there with him when he is teaching this. He writes all the things that are your stuff, your craft. Then he wipes the board clean. 

You are clearing and healing your way to a clean whiteboard. You are always working on yourself. I have seen people who then take this Ho'oponopono. This powerful, beautiful tool and they start trying to use it on everyone else. No, that's not how it works. You are always working on yourself. 

Dr. Hugh Lynn was working on himself. If those people were showing up in his life and his world, something in him was meeting them too. So he was cleaning on what was inside of him that was creating them. When people come into our world we hand them scripts and ask them to put on costumes and play out our stuff with us. When we take responsibility for cleaning and clearing our own stuff, they are released from this and can show up to us in other ways. We free them to be more of themselves and more of the pieces in them. 

We saw that lit us up because we wanted needed and desired them. Every person is a diamond with many facets. Most often we are first attracted to them by the facets that light us up that are a match to us in ways we like and love. This is why we experienced the honeymoon period with both lovers and friends, as well as with new jobs. 

After some time as we are engaging in energetic exchange with others, we begin to light up the facets within them that are a match to our own mental and emotional clutter, our own conditioning and programming. We play it out with them until we get back to its origin to the core issue and clear, heal, and resolve it there. Our brain our nervous system only knows this is like this. This is like this. 

I recognize this and I know how to survive this already. We call it this. This is a complex concept I'm laying out for you here. It is my intention that you just open up to it and or nudge to explore it further. Then you can seek out people to help you and find the clearing and healing tools that work best for you.

I have studied and trained in many, many healing modalities over the years, and I've taken the best of what works for me and integrated it into my daily spiritual practices, my daily business practices in my life. This is the transformational work I do with my clients and if you are led to do this work with me, after listening to my podcasts, reading my books, reading and following my social media, you can connect with me at my website, michellebarr.com. 

We can schedule a time to talk about how I can best help you. When I'm working with my private coaching clients. We do deep dives into all of this and it's completely tailor made to you. As I told you when we begin to dream big dreams to set intentions and goals for ourselves. When we begin to strive for prosperity, abundance, health, wealth and success.

Everything that is not in alignment with that rises up to be healed or transformed. We must heal so that we can soar. One more thing I want to share with you about the me way back then I was dreaming the biggest dream I knew how at the time recognizing that something was lining up inside of me but having no idea what to do with it not being able to imagine that I could be like Dr. Joe Vitale in any way and do what Dr. Joe Vitale was doing and talk about what he was teaching and have what Dr. Joe was having. 

You can study and absorb and soak in all these teachings. But they won't work for you just in theory. You have to take third dimensional real-worldaction to create third dimensional real world results. A big part of how my business started was because I was a therapist and I saw the secret and I saw how the creators of this body of work got this ancient knowledge out into the mainstream through some amazing spiritual teachers, including Dr. Joe Vitale. 

I have been blessed to meet and or study with a lot of them. What I also saw was how people were missing the key ingredient taking aligned action. So many people then lashed out at the secret and its author and teachers instead of looking within or they made up negative stories about themselves. 

Then they had to live them because it's Universal law.  Whatever you say is, is. People say it’s a scam. It's a lie. It only works for rich people. Dr. Joe Vitale was one tongueless on the streets of Dallas, or something is wrong with me. Why does it work for everyone else but me. But there's only so much that can be conveyed in a movie or a book that is designed to speak to the masses in the mainstream it was a start. 

The creators of The Secret took consistent and continuous aligned action and cleared, healed and resolvedwhat was in their way. I've gotten to hear some of their stories about how Secret came to them and how they came to be a part of it. They are miraculous and at the same time, they're all of what I teach you about manifesting what you need want and desire. I love that. It works. To really apply this and live it you have to go deeper. You have to take these theories and live them in your life. You have to develop practices, use the tools and do the inner work. That's what my podcast is guiding and supporting you with and by books. I show up on Facebook and other social media every single day. 

In my journey over the last decade and a half. I gotten to come up alongside Dr Joe Vitale and learn from him and work with him to better my life and my business and to grow and evolve more into who I am being, what I am doing and what I am having. This is so much more than just seeing you walk into a bookstore along the way as I did the work and follow the breadcrumbs acted from inspiration cleared, healed and resolved my crap. 

The Universe surprised and delighted me with even more. That day in the bookstore a rocket of desire was sent out into the universe. I didn't get an immediate result from my little dream but Spirit had so much in store for me . I had to keep dreaming and dream much bigger. 

Of all the secret Spiritual Teachers I have gotten to meet and interact with quite a few. I saw Jack Canfield speak in person at the beginning of my entrepreneurial journey and he inspired me to apply his success principles and create the business and life of my dreams. Then I got to go to a day long training and spend a day with Jack. I was booked as a speaker by an industry influencer for a live event in Atlanta speaking to women entrepreneurs and Lisa Nichols was booked at the keynote speaker.

 I got to have dinner with her, speak on stage with her and spend three days watching her in action and learning from her. I was in the same room with John Ashraf, several times during business building and mindset events and got to watch him speak and learn from him. I attended a charity gala in the coaching world and got to see Dr. Michael Beckwith with speak from the time I first saw him and found out about his church and the work he does in the world. I was inspired by him. I was inspired by all of them and the desire went out and I cleaned and cleared and healed to resolve what was inside of me. 

They showed up in my world and big and small waves. He is the Reverend Dr. Michael Beckwith and some knowing in me told me that is who I am the Reverend Dr. Michelle Barr. I received the Reverend in 2005 After attending seminary and then returned to my seminary in 2016 and received my doctorate in transformational spiritual coaching. 

My doctorate was based on the real work I do in the world and I wrote my dissertation on transformed people, transform people. It all begins with you and doing your own work on yourself is nnon-negotiable In the past couple of years I've really taken some deep dives into Dr. Joe Dispenza. His work which has really rocked my world. I had the opportunity to see James Ray  speak and to study with him. I was actually with him in Las Vegas at a live event just before he led the sweat lodge that became infamous and I was scheduled to meet him again in Las Vegas but the event was canceled. I learned a lot from being around him during that time and following his journey as well as from his teachings and watching what he did once he came out after he had served his punishment. 

He is a spiritual teacher in his own right. He and I talked about it after I had written a blog post about this and about him and I sent it to him. It's food for thought about this whole spiritual journey in this path we take when we choose to be Spiritual Entrepreneurs, and how powerful our words and our intentions are when we manifest them out into the world. 

I have studied the bodies of work of many of the other spiritual teachers and the secret. What I hope to convey here through the telling of this is that you see in others what is inside of you. I am a Spiritual Teacher. I didn't know it for many years. I didn't dare to dream it standing in that bookstore. I got stopped in the I don't know how. 

You don't need to know how and that's the worst thing to get stuck in. Once I chose to stop standing in confusion, and I started taking aligned action and opening to all the Universe in my higher self had planned. Everything changed for me. My life is unrecognizable to what it was even a decade ago and two decades ago and standing in that bookstore. Two decades ago, I was spinning in the toxic life I had created, reacting through my data, my programming and my conditioning, allowing my mental and emotional clutter to run the show.

 I've done that a few other times in my life too, until I woke up I realized I had created everything I was currently living and I made a decision to live my life by design rather than by default. That's when the secret Ho'oponopono, the spiritual teachers, healers, mentors and coaches showed up. 

I had to show up first, I have a mantra that my Spiritual running buddies love me to share with them and they love to watch it in action in my life. They especially love to travel with me to see it all happening in real time and to benefit from it as well. I have them now using it for themselves. 

I tell the Universe, Universe surprise and delight me. I expected positive expectation and it does over and over again. As I began to clear, heal and resolve all that was in my way, running the show and driving my bus unconsciously. I began to hear the whispers and feel the nudges. I was able to start seeing the opportunities. They still show up feeling uncomfortable , inconvenient, some seem illogical, but I came to trust them. Sometimes they show up feeling really expensive. I've learned to trust those as well. I follow the breadcrumbs and a whole new world opened up to me. Tell me princess now when did you last let your heart decide? 

These Ancient Wisdom Teachings still apply today and they are available to you through me and other Spiritual Teachers who are ready to cross paths with you when you are ready. You're listening to pipe podcast, you might be holding one of my books in your hand. I have shown up in your awareness. It has shown up in your awareness. You are listening, you are reading, you are following, that's a great sign. Keep swimming. 

One other go to clearing and healing tool I have to share with you right now is being aware of what brainwave state you are operating in. Our beta brain is the center of our fight or flight response. It serves a purpose: it is meant to ensure our survival. There's a tiger in the bushes it kicks in and we either kill the tiger or run away. We live another day. 

The problem is in this modern world there are so many tigers in the bushes. We have conditioned ourselves to operate constantly in our fight or flight state and get burned to suffer that wears our bodies out and causes all kinds of dis-ease and disease. So many have lost contact with source and don't take the time to sit and Source. Energy don't even know what it feels like to be in your own energy or how to harness the power of it. 

You are being robbed daily of your energy, people draining you of issues causing you to leak energy in their direction. If you do not know how to manage your energy and how to clean and clear and heal what is moving through your body it gets stuck. It takes root in your organs and tissues. You literally carry your issues in your tissues and they manifest into physical ailments eventually. 

Everything that comes into your energy field begins layers up from your physical body. It comes through a spiritual level, a mental level and an emotional level. When you are able to become self-aware and work on these things before they reach your physical body. They are so much easier to dissipate and resolve. 

One way you could give your body a rest and a clearing and healing is to get out of beta brain fight or flight and move into a theta brainwave state. I have studied and trained in two methods for doing this that have served me well for many years now and I use them both all the time. Next to Ho'oponopono. This is a daily use tool. 

Theta Healing was the first energy healing modality I studied before I knew I was an energy healer and before I knew what energy medicine was that showed up as a bread crumb in my email. I'm not sure how I even got on that email list. But my first teacher showed up and Spirit told me I needed to accept the invitation and show up at her house for an introduction to Theta Healing. I did and I went on to study with her for several years. She was instrumental in my spiritual journey at that time. So I just answered the call to open my healing center. 

My community had just made the decision that I was no longer going to be a therapist. I had just been ordained through my seminary and had no idea what it all was going to look like. Spoiler alert, it turned out great. This teacher had a teacher of her own who wrote a book about her own version of working with the theta brainwave state, and it was called The One Command. 

I loved the one command from the first time I met with them and heard about it. I read the book cover to cover. I studied with them as far as their level of trainings went. I lead commanding well circles I used the one command in my own life and with many clients in groups and one to one. We were getting amazing results working with the one command in that little blue house, Hope House and it changed many lives and catapulted many people into their true call one thing, it created sacred success for me and many others, and I learned and grew there. 

The piece I'm going to teach you as a wonderful way to stop thoughts that do not serve you and send them on their way, replacing them with something your subconscious can work with on your behalf. The one command has several powerful tools you can use. I teach it to my clients and I have them added to their own personal spiritual toolbox. The one command takes you out of the beta brain and it's fight or flight response and brings you into a theta brainwave state where all possibility lies in the theta brainwave state is where we commune with sit spirit.

 Sit in Source energy and co create as the powerful creators we are. Whenever you have an inspiration, the mind jumps in to do its job that is to keep you safe and comfortable by telling you all the reasons you should not do this. You should not deviate from what it knows will keep you safe and alive. 

The mind is a wonderful tool. People in the spiritual movement have set out to villainize the ego but we need it. We needed to make money, we needed to create real world results, we needed to maintain a self-identityy that we can then take out into the world to do our work. This is the very reason you encounter so many flighty or flaky people who say they are Lightworkers, Healers, Spiritual Teachers, and it's true they have great gifts to offer but they are so disconnected from self and their physical aspect, which we need for manifesting in the physical world. 

You see them then retreating off into a dream world that is so rewarding everything in their physical world starts to take your erasing, collapsing, falling apart, including their bodies. I speak from experience here. I spent some time in this state. It felt oh so good, but I created a lot of what I didn't want and it led to a very dangerous form of Spiritual Escapism that leads to the bypassing of dealing with our stuff, and a lot of magical thinking. 

I saw a lot of people in my community with this going on. The minute you experience a thought coming from your beta brain that does not signal an immediate danger that you must respond to. Do you want to recognize that thought and stop it. The same when you receive an inspiration, and immediately your mind jumps in to save you from yourself and the change it anticipates.

I would have a thought, my electric bill is due this week and I don't have the money to pay it. How am I going to pay it or I know I'm supposed to open my healing center but a space is hard to come by here. It would be really expensive how would I do that? These are two examples, both of something small and something very big. In both cases, I learned to recognize my beta brain kicked in. I assess the situation. Is this an immediate danger that I need to respond to is my electricity going to be cut off today? If I don't pay this bill? No. That means I have time to create the result I want with help from the universe. But remember, whatever I say is, is. 

Whatever story I am telling the universe has to deliver that in the case of the healing center. I can completely come out of contraction in my thoughts and my energy and move into expansion. I am fine right now. Everything is fine right now and it's time to find the space and open my healing center. If it doesn't happen today, I'm okay here and now. I desire to answer my call. 

I am making a clear ask to the universe to co-create this with me. Co-creating means that I have to do my part and the universe does its part. Here's the thing I have to go first always every time then the universe rushes in to meet me. I begin by saying I don't know how. That is the first part of the one command. This is what stops the beta brain and the ego from convincing you that you don't know how and then leading you into confusion where you start a stay spinning and it keeps you busy and distracted. 

My job is done here. It says smiling that she will live another day. Only what kind of life will that be? Mary Oliver spoke to me once in the middle of my spiritual awakening through her poetry. Tell me what is it you plan to do?

The one command tool I use in the circumstances. It's a simple statement. Just like Ho'oponopono is four simple phrases. You can start using the tools then go deeper to understand the intention and energy. Your intention and energy are everything. I don't know how I then fill in the blank. Pay my electric bill of $352 or I don't know how I first find the perfect space for my healing center and have the money to pay for it.

 I only know that I do now, and I am fulfilled. The mind can no longer taught you with how how, how are you going to do that? You can't do that. Tell me how they can no longer send you spinning and hold you down and confusion. You have bypassed that by moving out of beta brain and into theta brainwave from here, you can co create with Spirit. I retrained my brain. 

Every time I would start spinning out I use the phrase to stop the contraction and to move into expansion. Where am I? I'm exploring all the possibilities. Open to all opportunities. Now I will be able to see what I couldn't see before then it is up to me to take aligned action. Start filling your personal spiritual toolbox and creating spiritual daily practices of your own, make a commitment to do the energetic work first. 

It makes everything else so much easier. Learn more about these tools and everything. I've shared with you today and watch for the tools and spiritual teachers and mentors that start showing up for you. Watch for the opportunities and really see them follow the breadcrumbs one way to start working with your energy and these principles. You can begin day one today right now of my free 21-day email course. It's time to get moving in the direction of your dreams and desires and create a better life now. This is my gift to you.

 Move forward in any area of your life in just 21 days with my powerful process. 

Give me just 20 minutes of your time each day. Go to intuitivesuccesscoach.com. Connect with me@facebook.com/michellebbarr. You can join my free group and there you can see all of the things I post every day. I show up to teach and train to educate and inform to motivate and inspire to lift you up. 

I'm so excited you join me today. You can find all episodes of my podcast at lovingwhatsnextpodcast.com.  If you'd like to check it out my #SoulTeach book: Your Guide to manifesting what you need want and desire has been catching fire. You can find it at soulteachbook.com, 365 days of all of this that I'm pouring into you in small bites. 

You can just start on day one and do one every day. Start whatever day you start, or you could flip the book open and pick a message for the day and some people say they just keep reading through it reading through and to digest as much as they can. Read one before bed and then sleep on it. Read one and meditate on it, reflect on it. Journal on it. Thank you so much. Keep joining me for my podcast and the rest of the Hero's journey right here loving what's next podcast. This is Michelle Barr. Have a great day and take inspired action.