Dr. Michelle Barr, Manifesting Expert & Spiritual Life Coach

The Hero's Journey Series Episode Thirteen: A REFLECTION FOR YOU The Hero Setting Out on Her Journey

Episode Summary

Listen in on today’s The Hero's Journey Series Episode Thirteen on this podcast episode. Turn Your Life's Calling Into an Epic Life You Love! Welcome to Dr. Michelle Barr's Podcast! Dr. Barr is a Manifestation Expert and Spiritual Life Coach, Speaking life back into you. She is a Spiritual Entrepreneur, Teacher, Speaker, and Author. Consider this your safe place to land and your Next Level Upgrade.

Episode Notes

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Episode Transcription

The Hero's Journey Series Episode Thirteen: A REFLECTION FOR YOU The Hero Setting Out on Her Journey

Hello magnificent community, and welcome to our final episode of the Hero's Journey series. Today, I'm going to take you on a little guided journey.  So if you're able to, it will be great in a minute, if you will, uncross your arms and legs, put everything down, and sit in a soft gaze or closed eyes or any kind of relaxed state of being.  

If you're driving, if you're walking, a lot of my people say, I'm their podcast to every day, and I love that you can listen actively, and then you can come back to this and do it In this other manner at a later time. Today, this is about the hero setting out on her journey. It is a reflection for you. I love this because it is in my earlier work.

It is also in my new book coming out October 1st, Loving What's Next What You Want Can Be Yours Now, and when this series is complete, we are moving into Your what's next, guiding you into creating visioning and making it happen. Your what's next and learning how loving what's next helps bring it to you with grace and ease.  

I'm so excited to share this with you for a moment. I'll let you know. This is my fourth book, but it is my first book with a publisher with a book deal.  This, on its own, was a big manifestation, and I talk about it on my podcast, I talk about it in the book, and the piece that is important for you to know is I got the book deal before I wrote the book, and so we crafted the book.  

We crafted the audience, and they wanted me after these 15 years of working with clients and taking them through their hero's journey and helping them create what they want, what they need and what they desire now. All manner of things to walk somebody in this book through that whole process, with tools, with exercises, with all my most powerful teachings and trainings and universal guiding principles and stories of myself and my client, so you can see how it plays out in real life, and that is this book.

For now, to close out this hero's journey series on my Loving What's Next Podcast. I'm going to take you into the hero setting out on her journey. This hero is you, wherever you are in your journey, you can recommit this every day, because you are always on your path. This is the important thing. You're always on your journey. All these years, I've had people who come to me and they say, How do I know when I'm on my path? How do I get on my path? I think I've gotten off my path.  

This is your journey, and you're always on it.  A choice point exists in every moment, and in every moment you're moving either toward or away from what you want. Everything counts. Everything matters. Everything is energy. I talk a lot about this, and it's about the inspired, aligned action that you're willing to take. The opportunities you are willing to see and seize. The breadcrumbs you are willing to follow, but you are the hero, and you are on your journey. So wherever you are on that journey today, let's move forward together. Receive this activation.  

The hero setting out on her journey. This traveler hears the calling and has gotten up to take a step to move forward, to take a new, inspired, aligned action. Somewhere within she knows that this step will lead her into the unknown, away from the comfortable and the familiar, defying What has come to be considered logical, rational, reasonable. The hero's journey all begins from this place, from our position as the innocent, from your position as the innocent.

In this place, you have experienced feelings, maybe, of going crazy, and others may tell you you're acting foolish, yet you stand up and take that first step which changes the energy within you. It changes everything. You declare something new to the universe, and indeed, the universe does respond. She travels light as she has begun to let go of many things. As you embark on this part of the journey, you are asked to let go of everything that does not serve you and make room for all that you are asking for and expectantly waiting for to show up, positively expecting, positive expectation. Hold that state in your very being. In your humanness, you give way to your feelings and emotions, experience your desires, reach for what you want, and then create the space for life to happen, for divine intelligence to join with human in this creative process, in this dance, let go of the outcome, to allow what is meant to be, simply to be.  

It is a delicate balance this way of being, of experiencing life. It is in the moment of surrender that the zero point exists, the event horizon, the void in which all is possible and creations are made manifest. Don't let this frighten you away. Some people will choose to abandon much of the life they are dissatisfied with, take big risks, giant step forward.  

Part of the wisdom within is that it calls you, first and foremost, to know thyself. This is what the journey is truly all about.  I tell my clients and students that they must know themselves well enough to know what is best for them. These choices will impact you, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually, wholly.

If you are not a risk taker, than taking big risk create stress that counteracts and interferes with your ability to create what you are wanting. This movement can take the form of baby steps, small, subtle, consistent actions can and will create profound change. The important thing is to get into action and stay in action. It is an art that can be mastered,

Everyone and every place is open to her right now, this hero on her journey, everyone in every place is open to you right now at the beginning of the journey, standing in this place, all possibilities exist simultaneously. Today, spend some time reflecting or meditating on this message that she offers you. This gift that she brings, I offer it to you now. Let it land. Let it settle.

Commit to yourself. Are you merely interested, or are you committed? If you're merely interested, there will be excuses, there will be quitting. When things get tough, challenging, we get triggered. Our stuff comes up to be cleared, healed and resolved, which actually means we are so close, it's right there. When you are committed, nothing gets in the way you know that you can't not do this any longer. I want to tell you a little something about risk-taking. You may be really ready for a risk even if you're never having taken them. It can be such a liberating experience that yields magical results. I've been there and done it at a time when I disliked to change and was very averse to risk taking my life since then has been absolutely worth it.  

My journey is exciting and yielding out of this world results. It takes a new mindset and tremendous support. It takes preparation the way you would prepare for any journey. When the timing is right, you will feel it and know it, when nothing will stop you and you know you can't not do this thing, then you are ready. That is the exact time to take the big risks and let the universe rush in to support you.  It absolutely will.

I want to touch on that a new mindset and tremendous support, because it's been so important for me and I have had coaches, mentors, healers, spiritual advisors, teachers. All along my journey, I'm never without them. I have not been without a coach since 2009 that's my soapbox. Those of you that have been around, though, and I won't belabor the point.

I have an offer for you, and I urge and encourage you to check it out and just step it in. You go to my website, michellebarr.com, and you click on, Work with Michelle, and it shows you in detail, when the price is listed, full transparency, everything you will get working with me what those containers look like. Then I invite you to choose what works for you. If you are a yes, even a nervous and excited Yes, reach out to me, contact me. I have an amazing nine week course with live coaching, call support, and you can look at that as well as the private options.

Take that inspired, aligned action today and be a clear yes or a clear No, and if it's a clear No, find who is that clear yes, just don't do nothing. If it's a yes, but it's not a clear yes, reach out to me so we can talk and see how I can best help you. I'm so excited as we move together now into the next series of my podcast. Loving What's Next, What You Want Can Be Yours Now, my book is available for pre-order until October 1 on Amazon lovingwhatsnextbook.com

You're on lovingwhatsnextpodcast.com, and I'm going to leave you with a little thought, and then I'm going to leave you in this energy, if you have some time, stay here for a minute in your activated, energetic heroes journey. Let your higher self, let spirit, let your higher guidance, divine Intelligence, speak to you, touch you and move you. I am here always to move you. When you change your mind about what's possible for your life, your life will rise up to meet you.

Thank you.