Dr. Michelle Barr, Manifesting Expert & Spiritual Life Coach

The Hero's Journey Series Episode Five: Connect With And Claim Your Spiritual Healing Gifts

Episode Summary

Listen in on today’s The Hero's Journey Series Episode Five on this podcast episode. Turn Your Life's Calling Into an Epic Life You Love! Welcome to Dr. Michelle Barr's Podcast! Dr. Barr is a Manifestation Expert and Spiritual Life Coach, Speaking life back into you. She is a Spiritual Entrepreneur, Teacher, Speaker, and Author. Consider this your safe place to land and your Next Level Upgrade.

Episode Notes

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Episode Transcription

The Hero's Journey Series Episode Five: Connect With And Claim Your Spiritual Healing Gifts

Hello, this is Michelle Barr. Welcome to my podcast. It has a new name, Loving What's Next, What You Want can be Yours now. And it is true. I'm still doing the Hero's Journey series and I am back with a new episode. It has been a minute. 

I always tell my clients and students to be really careful what you name something as soon as you name something and you put it out there in the world to offer it, to sell it, to create it, and to express it. You get to live it. So I have been out there, living my hero's journey, and it resulted in one of the things in a New York publishing book deal and I'm writing the book. So I've been working on all that, that was a manifestation that came and I will do more about that story soon. 

I want to get back to the Hero's Journey and today we are going to be talking about connect with and claim your Spiritual healing gifts to develop and master your craft. 

Remember, this is your journey. You're always on it, you're never not on it. People would come to me for years now and I remember being there myself. How do I know if I'm on my path? How do I know if I'm on like journey? I feel like I got off track. Well, you can self-sabotage, you can derail. You can take detours but you're always on your journey.  You're always on your path and all of it matters and all of it counts. It's all energy. You're never not having your journey. 

I talk a lot about there's a student path and a master path and it's not a straight line where a student and then we come up become a master where a student a master, a student, a master practicing and mastering our craft and every time what does that do? It grows us like nothing else and every time a desire bubbles up and we desire and we send that desire, that rocket of desire out into the world. 

We then start our own hero's journey, to become a match, to have, what we need, want and desire to have it, to be it and to do it and that becoming is everything. I have been loving my journey. I have new things to share with you and then the book will be coming out and I will start sharing that journey with you once I finish the Hero's Journey. So I love that you're here. Stay with me and let's dive in. 

I post this on Facebook. I actually believe what you are the best at and what comes easiest to you is what you should be paid the most for. Yes, it is my soapbox. It is my platform.  I do get a lot of backlash. The world is changing. Things are tipping in a new direction. But this is an old paradigm. It's about power. It's about control. It is about religion. It is about beliefs. It is about commerce. It is about everything. 

I actually believe what you are the best at and what comes easiest to you is what you should be paid the most for. I myself want to receive services from a healer and intuitive, a coach who is taking care of themselves and investing in themselves to master their craft and is putting their time and energy into their highest levels of service. Rather than struggling to make money somewhere else believing that their truest gifts can't make the money, not demanding and commanding that it can and will then giving their greatest gifts away for free. Every time I post this it gets a lot of buzz. 

Healers recognize it as truth. Then they go into this journey of considering if they will dare to believe it. Do you dare to believe it? This is a great statement about what happens when healers are not confronted with this truth. Before they are asked to consider this and believe it and accepted as truth. They do not always recognize that what they are made to do. 

It's not easy for everyone because sometimes it comes so naturally to us and it feels easy to us. We may not realize that all the true value we bring if we take ourselves and our spiritual gifts into the marketplace and a lot of what we do is intangible and that adds to this. 

I'm an empath I know that now and I have for many years and it helped me go back and really connect the dots. There was a long time in my life when I didn't know this. I didn't understand it. I had no one around me who would talk about it or model it for me. I grew up thinking everyone felt the way I did, everyone processed information and sense things the way I could and yet I so often felt so different. 

I didn't know why. I was raised by analytical, logical and critical-minded people, strong minded people, a mathematician and an engineer. I am one of three children. A total of five people in my family. The four of them were all recognized athletes for significant periods of their lives. 

Yes, I really came in with some challenges and they have grown me into who I am. You can see from this that I was trying to come into a family where I would face up and push up against my value from the very beginning. As one of my Spiritual Advisors reminded me I chose this. I wanted to experience a family that would say no, we don't do that, not only do we not do that, but we also don't believe anyone can. You can see them that I went from thinking everyone experienced the world like me and could do what I did to learning very quickly that who I was just wasn't a value and all in the time when I grew up, we didn't have a lot of examples of people who were like me, people weren't open about these things. 

They didn't show up in the mainstream. They weren't topics of conversation. It wasn't until I was 25 years old. That I first was told by a friend of mine about a Psychic in Dallas who would do a reading. As soon as I heard this, I knew I had to go. I had no idea what to expect. I met with that psychic for the first time when I was 25. 

On the verge of a spiritual awakening I could not even imagine. I didn't know what was coming yet. I was about to turn my entire life upside down and I would soon find many more healers, psychics and mediums and open the door on this whole world that made so much sense to me. That Psychic in Dallas was named Fan. I visited her several times a year and when I didn't live in the area I talked with her on the phonel. I continued to consult Fan for over 20 years. The last time I met with her I was 46 and she was 94. 

Spirit would continue to move me in the direction of my destiny and my design, like putting these helpers. These powerful spiritual teachers and the spiritual messengers in my path and spirit will do the same for you and then guess what? I find I am a Spiritual Teacher and a Spiritual Messenger for others. And you may be too. It still took me many years to understand that I was a Healer, a Psychic and a Medium. 

I met many healers and intuitives over the years and I sought them out for guidance and advice and insight. One thing they always said to me was, “you you're like me, you are supposed to be doing this”. I just kept not hearing them or I just couldn't believe it. And what in the world would I do with that anyway.

I was 25 years old when this world first opened up for me. After meeting with Fan several times I ended up moving to San Antonio where I was being called. I ignored what others were telling me about how it wasn't a good idea to go. My heart was feeling it so strongly. I left a toxic marriage and move to San Antonio with a two year old to be close to my best friend who was dying of AIDS. This was part of the whole process that opened me up because this was a time we didn't even know what AIDS was yet. You all know it got much worse. 

Spirit orchestrates our path. We have laid breadcrumbs to follow. The Universe connects the dots but we still have free will. We can choose to follow. I started following having no real idea where I was going but knowing I had to move. That move changed my entire life. I can look back and see all that moved into place for me when I said yes to that nudge to that soul's desire before I even understood it. 

Now I trust my soul's desires 100%. I trust your soul's desires 100%. I trust my clients and students souls desires 100%.  No matter what they come to me with and where they are in their journey. I always take them back into their souls desires. The first part of my new book: Loving What's Next: What you want can be yours now, is all about before you even try to make a plan or deal with what comes up next, which are both in the book. 

It is taking you back to your soul's desires. I left a toxic marriage. I changed my career. I stepped into the healer I am. I met my husband who I've been married to for 33 years this year. We had two daughters together and raised our son as we built a life together. Then life got busy as it does. I had a lot on my plate I had this huge spiritual awakening, the intense spiritual awakening I went through what stuck with me, but I got back to the business of living my life and I hushed my soul for a while. It happens. When healers contact me or come to me and tell me how they desire to do the work they are made to do but they can't make money at it. 

They are struggling in ill health broke or in jobs they hate. I tell them you are sitting on a gold mine. Spirit has given them the work just for them that brings incredible value into the world and to the people waiting for them and they're in spite of them inside of you. It's like the song go through life parched and empty. Standing knee deep in a river and dying of thirst. This is what keeps me up at night. This is what breaks my heart. I have a training call. I did for my community about this and it went gangbusters I called it, spiritual business beliefs.


I can guide you to shameless spiritual business building. When you show up, as you are designed and wired to show up in this world, what you are selling is you. What people are buying is access to you and your energy. Only you can do what you do the way that you do it. Your people are your people, they are looking for you. They can hear it in the way you can tell it. What you bring to your soul into the marketplace is something only you can bring. This is where you start. 

You're willing to be who you really are, and show up to the table with all your gifts and turn that into a business you love that will support and sustain the life you want to live. I had a mentor who told me financial freedom is not having a certain amount of money in the bank. 

Financial freedom is knowing how to make the money you want and need, when you want and need it. Wow, that really stood out to me. I started to include that in my intentions. Yes, that is for me. Here's why, my highest core value is freedom. My highest level of freedom is spiritual freedom. This is what is most important to me. I am here to have the spiritual journey of my dreams and that means that money no longer makes the decisions for me. 

Learning how to create financial freedom through a Spiritual Business not only fulfills me both personally and professionally, but it also allows me to have the spiritual journey I am here to have fall out. How does that sound to you? That is the hero's journey. Not necessarily that you have to have a spiritual business or be an entrepreneur a business of your own, but finding this highest level of freedom. This allows me to follow my soul and give myself what my soul desires and requires. I didn't always live this way I had to learn to live this way. 

I had to set intentions to live this way. I had to take inspired aligned actions to live this way. Now, I could not live any other way. Again, pointing you forward to my new book that's coming out. In the beginning I wanted the spiritual freedom and the freedom to be who I am and do only when I came here to do what I made to do to, answer the calling of my soul.

I did that through my unique path that I now help others with that share with you and you have your own unique path. Then I desired money freedom, and just much more recently, I desire time freedom. We were able to retire my husband almost two years ago now. 

Three years ago, I became a grandparent for the first time and six months ago for the second time. Now I want time. We also split our time in two places. If you follow me on Facebook, if you follow me online, I'll do some shows about Lily Dale, where I live part-time of a Spiritual community where I go in the summers. I teach and we now live there part-time. I tell you what the weather is a whole lot better than the triple-digit weather in Texas, and it feeds my soul in a really different way and it slows me down and I get to be a part of this thriving community. 

It serves me while I am living my purpose and serving others. I will tell you on this whole journey, I have not now had a job working for anyone else since 2006. Everything I teach you will at first be something you consider. Then you choose to embrace it then you turn it into new thoughts, which create new actions which bring you new results. 

The more you work with them, they will shift from being, things you do, things you have to learn, things you apply to ways of living and being and this is my hope for you. It's like when you learn to drive a car at first you're consciously thinking about so many things at once you're looking here, then you have to look there and then you have to look up here and then you have to look behind you checking this and moving one way and then the other and you're having to pay close attention. 

Before you know it you're getting in the car and driving. Have you ever even gotten somewhere and you don't even really remember you're driving. That's how it works. I offer you these tools that are powerfully practical and spiritually rich for you to use to transform your life. This podcast is one of my free resources and tools you can find all the episodes at lovingwhatsnextpodcast.com.

This is episode five in the Hero's journey series. I have so many series of teaching and training available for you. My very first book of mindset for manifesting on purpose. You can get it at michellebarr.com/book. I will have all of these in the show notes. So you can grab all of these URLs, all these locations and go and get them yourself. I also want to tell you, you can start a 21 day journey with me again for free at intuitivesuccesscoach.com. I will drop into your email box from the minute you sign up, day one for 21 days and help you work with my process to move forward in any area of your life. 

As I became more aware of these gifts I had and recognize the calling, I was being asked to answer. I had to consciously choose to explore this. I would love to say that I just opened right up to it. But I was struggling with an undiagnosed illness that lasted seven years that escalated eventually into an emergency hospital surgery and an eight day stay. I had been fully opening up energetically in some ways but I wasn't taking care of myself.

 I had a lot of resistance and a lot of my stuff coming up and no support and guidance. I didn't know how to manage my energy or control my gifts. They are natural but remember a huge part of my three pillars of all of this is practicing and mastering your craft. They had always been there and I went about my business until I found myself in a crisis and then I said I gotta learn about this energy, energy management and emotional mastery I will bring you back to these every time and no matter what people come to me to create. 

We ended up getting into emotional mastery and energy management big time. You see I did not know the goldmine I was sitting on Spirit will whisper to you, nudge you, reveal itself to you but it won't impose on your free will. 

Spirit cannot impede on your free will spirit, God, Source Creator, the angels, the Masters, your guides. Please get this it is key. That's why I talk about you always have to go first. One of the major things that keeps you from fully connecting with this higher self and spirit and receiving clear guidance and inspiration is the mental and emotional clutter and I was still on a journey of healing with that. 

The more I was able to clear the mental and emotional clutter the more I was open to inspiration to take inspired and aligned action and quick and everything make it quicker and with much more ease. Then I had more and more revealed to me every time I said yes the next thing opened up the faster I said yes and stepped in because you always have to go first and had to follow the guidance that was showing up louder and more insistent to me. 

Let me tell you this, it will show up and it will be uncomfortable, inconvenient and often seem illogical. The ones where you feel like you're so scared or you might get sick and you're so excited are the ones you must do. The more it makes you feel this way, the more you have to do it. That's why so many people don't. I know they come to me for coaching and healing and guidance. 

They have all these desires and they start taking action and then they self sabotage and they second guess. They self doubt this is a dance of opening up to spirit and your gifts, developing your gifts. Working to master your craft, expressing yourself what's right here, out into the world and then figuring out how to wrap it all up into a package to present it to those who are searching for it . They're searching for you and do it all in a way that makes it profitable and sustainable. 

Here's the other thing, when those things show up not only are they uncomfortable and convenient and might seem illogical often they feel expensive. The Universe responds to true need. So the way in the means of resources don't show up until you step in and this trips so many people up. 

This is a key turning point. I talk about it in everything I give to you. I talk about it a lot in my other podcast episodes as well. Don't go too far into this before you start using this tool. I teach all my clients. Spend five minutes every day, creating a vision of the life you want to live. 

Then build a business or work that supports and sustains it. Here again too many people figure out what they can get and what they should do and what they can't do and what they won't do what they're not willing to do. Then they build their whole life around a job that's sucking their soul or commute they don't love, they're getting sick. They're not making enough money and their whole life becomes about this job.  Then they're living for the weekends or maybe not even that. 

I was called away from therapy for being a therapist and away from the church where I was serving and I was guided to open a healing center in my community. At first, thisappeared impossible to my mind it would cause too much. I was new in town. We had just made a big move to a new city in a new state. 

I didn't know anyone. I have no idea what I would be doing in this house I kept seeing in my mind that I knew was called Hope House once I opened up to being okay not knowing and being willing to do it anyway, the house fell into my lap and Hope House was born and to get to that stage and beyond for it to turn into a business the people, the resources, the things the experiences started showing up beyond what I could orchestrate, but not until I was being doing it and having it this is what I learned. 

The Universe will always provide support but we always have to go first. The Universe does not play the win/then game. We have to take the first step. You have to take the first step. I've gotten really good at this. How about you? 

Every time then the universe will rush in to meet you. It did for me over and over again. Opening up to my gifts was just the first step. Then I had to learn how to use them. The Universe pointed me first in the direction of my first development circle and I sat in that circle every Friday night for three years developing my gifts. 

I develop my gifts. I studied with mentors and Spiritual Teachers who showed up and eventually I hired coaches to help me with the business of it all. I am a coach, I teach and train coaches and I have not been without a coach since 2009. Hope House opened in December of 2007 and I have consistently invested in myself to develop my gifts and master my craft to work on myself and what gets in the way and to build a profitable and sustainable business, the three pillars. 

Something happens from the inside out when you claim your gifts and then ask others to pay you for them. All your stuff comes up. I spend as much time helping my clients with this as I do teaching them how to build their profitable and sustainable businesses and lives. The good news I tell them is building this kind of business showing up as you in the marketplace showing up as a healer, a spiritual teacher, a leader, a coach, a speaker and author with a message and a mission and a dream and a truth is all about living your life. And sharing your journey. You walk through fires, you evolve and grow. 

Then you turn around and help others get from where they are to where you are then you grow again. Here we grow again. As you grow and evolve your business grows and evolves and your life grows and evolves. Do not hush your soul. My soul will not be hushed. When my clients come to me and they're going through a tough time I tell them. This is real. It's your life. It's happening to you you are going through it and you will turn around and sell this next year. 

This is a very basic way of saying it and it's true. Your intuition and energy are powerful tools for you how to learn how to use in your own life. Your intuition and energy are powerful tools for you to learn how to use in your own life and to serve your clients. 

Doing this work requires a lot from us and it demands that we understand our energy and understand our gifts. And work to use them at our highest and best for the people we serve while also taking care of ourselves. 

This work will bring up your stuff that's part of the process on a meta level. As I love to tell people especially my clients and students at a meta level. I have so much streaming through to tell you now you notice I'm getting tongue tied. That's when Spirit is impressing on me. I tell them and I tell you at a meta level.

This is all your journey and all the people showing up that you feel you're here to help to save to rescue to serve. It's part of your journey and they're just showing up so you can live your purpose and grow and evolve. Think about that for a minute. You've got to be true to you and this work will bring up your stuff. It's part of the process. Nothing that shows up is random or punishing you or a sign that you should not be doing this or it's not the right time. 

Spirit doesn't say no. People often misinterpret this and stole themselves out for years. It means you're moving toward a breakthrough and everything you want is on the other side of the breakthrough. 

When I begin working with a client I work with everything that shows up. It all matters, it all counts this is universal law. All the feedback that shows up once you answer your desire and you take inspired aligned action so you can act, assess and adjust that means course correcting.

 I use it all as meet for transformation, mine and yours. We can walk two paths in our lives the student path and the master path. This was such a gift to me. When you walk the student path you resist your true calling and you don't show up in the world as who you are doing what you're designed and wired to do to. This springs with the consequences and mass. It can show up as toxic relationships, diissatisfaction with your life work you don't love living at life by default. ill health, mental and emotional stress and distress, financial problems and struggles of all kinds. 

We can create all kinds of drama and distraction that we then have to live with. It keeps us so busy and occupied. It takes a lot of energy and creating new love and creating your life purpose in your life work also takes a lot of energy. Where are you going to put the energy you have, your vital life force energy.

We can choose to walk the master path to make a decision to be who you are to answer your calling to show up in the world with your gifts and to take aligned action toward what you say you want most. You consciously choose to grow and evolve you invest in yourself. You seek out the guides, advisors, teachers, leaders, healers and coaches that are showing up on your path and you say yes, you're ready for them and you step in, even when it's uncomfortable even when it's inconvenient. 

Even when it seems illogical you step in because you know you must. This is the hero's journey is a journey of trust times three trust yourself. Trust spirit. Trust the process. 

Thank you so much for tuning in. Today I am back on my podcast, journey sharing with you. I go first. I go ahead I learn and grow as I just talked about then I turn around and I share it with you.

I've been living my life growing and evolving in leaps and bounds leaping off some ledges got this new book deal. That has been a manifestation for so long. I will tell you a story about it in another episode where we're focused on that as we move when we're done with the hero's journey into loving what's next and you will share the whole book journey with me and all the teachings in the book about answering your soul's desire reconnecting with that.

Then making a plan that is sustainable, that supports and sustains you and living it. Taking these things from things you learn and things you try and things you practice to a way of living and being and then how to deal with your stuff as it comes up. I will never lie to you. 

I've had a lot of my stuff coming up and one of my saving graces has been that now I learn. Now I understand now I recognize my triggers and right away I deal with them with my tools and my spiritual toolbox and also by getting the help I need. Facing it feeling it so it moves through me instead of getting stuck and becoming issues in my tissues. 

Now when I get to the other side of it and I can deep breathe again. I share it all with you. Welcome back to the hero's journey. I'm so excited you're here. Make sure you get my free resources. Make sure we are connected on michellebarr.com and make sure we are connected on Facebook. I have all my resources and all my show notes at loving what StAX podcast.com This is your hero's journey limit and I am here to help you to support and guide you in every way. Thank you so much. I'll see you soon