Listen in on today’s The Hero's Journey Series Episode Four on this podcast episode. Turn Your Life's Calling Into an Epic Life You Love! Welcome to Dr. Michelle Barr's Podcast! Dr. Barr is a Manifestation Expert and Spiritual Life Coach, Speaking life back into you. She is a Spiritual Entrepreneur, Teacher, Speaker, and Author. Consider this your safe place to land and your Next Level Upgrade.
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The Hero's Journey Series Episode Four: Understand Who You Are to Identify Your Purpose
Hello magnificent community. Welcome to my Working for Spirit podcast. We are deep into the Hero's Journey series. I'm so excited to bring you another podcast episode in this Hero's Journey series that I have going for you. You can always find me at You can find all of the training series, all the teachings and trainings and interviews with thought leaders and all of the things that we're talking about here and all over Facebook and social media at my
I want to really dive in today to one key element of turning your life's calling into an Epic life you love. This is about connecting with your soul purpose and your life purpose and understanding how they work together. One big piece of that is today's episode, understand who you are to identify your purpose. This has been key for me. It's been an ongoing journey.
Remember, this is the hero's journey. This is the spiritual hero's journey, the entrepreneurial hero's journey, all of it when we're living this full on purpose, seeking and searching out how to live our spiritual journey to the fullest and express our soul purpose in our life purpose in his lifetime. There have been so many tools that have come onto the scene and come into the world throughout time and more now than ever and I am always open to exploring those tools so I can share them with you. First, as always, I use them on myself. I learned what I get from them. I see if there's truth to that. Then I apply them in my life and then I share them with you and I have found across the board. The tools I use are consistent because remember, truth with a capital T truth is always true. It has to be always true all the time.
Universal truth has to be always true all the time for all people or it's not truth, it's perception. So many people are living a lot of their life based on perceptions which a lot of times our limiting beliefs and limiting perspectives rather than truth. Understanding who you are to identify your purpose. You came here with a vision, a mission, a purpose and a truth to express at this very time in your own unique way. The great news about this is that you brought with you clues in your very makeup the way you are wired and designed and you plan to how people and circumstances would cross your path and help you discover. Remember a lot of this if you've had that experience before you hear things or you see things you come across things or you meet people and you listen and you feel what they're talking about and sharing and it's not new information. It's not hitting your mind. It's going into you in a deep way and it is a remembering. This is your spiritual journey. This is your spiritual path. You are never not on it. You are living it in your own way.
People would come to me all the time as a coach,as a healer, as a spiritual advisor and say I think I'm not on my path. Oh, but you are. What a relief it was for me to find that I was not crazy. After all that these things that were whispering to me, nudging at me than shaking me by the shoulders showing up in front of me at every turn were real. I was getting the message. I attended an event some years ago now when I just started building my business.
My business has now grown and evolved over the past 15 years and continues to grow and evolve. My business had begun as a local Healing Center. I had at that time just taking it online in hopes of creating a global business. I stumbled upon the coaching world. It was a great fit for me. I talk all the time about taking your spiritual gifts and using the umbrella of spiritual coaching and I teach and train spiritual coaches.
The woman leading the event ended up being a wonderful mentor and coach to me over the years. But what she did on that day on our first encounter together, move me forward more than anything else we did together later. She's a hand analyst. She reads the lines in your hands and your fingerprints similar to palm reading, but it has a real scientific basis and was proven out over 10s of 1000s and then hundreds of 1000s of hands being read. It is now a big body of work and hand analysis.
She reads the lines in your hands and your fingerprint. Your fingerprints are set before birth and never change. The lines in your hands change in relation to your brainwave patterns. When we had it checked into the event on the first day they inked our hands and press them firmly onto the white copy paper that those papers had been handed over to the hand analyst at the event to provide us with information about our life, purpose, life, school and many other things.
Hand analysis can cover so many areas and I have had my friend hands read now many times by many different people and I find it to be very tangible, very applicable to my life, my business and my success and very consistent. It was my turn at the microphone at one time and as I stood in a sea of event attendees, looking up at this woman on stage hoping she held some of the answers I had been searching for.
I asked what do my hand says about my life purposes. She smiled and said, visionary spiritual teacher in the spotlight. She paused, then she said Take a breath. Does that scare you? Not at all I answered tears in my eyes. It validates and confirms the guidance I have been receiving. It tells me I'm not crazy. Thank you, what confirmation for me in that moment that what I felt Spirit was asking me to do what I was being called to do. It was right there in my hands. It was real.
We get those whisperings, those nudges, those messages right before our eyes coming from everywhere. The shaping by the shoulder, sometimes a few bricks to the head. But we're not always sure. So diving deep into this one divination tool. It was real. I could trust it. She didn't know me. She couldn't know what had been going on inside of me, but she could read my hands that were put there before my birth and tell me what had been placed there for me to find.
I move forward in that moment further into my life purpose more confident and with tangible words to describe what I somehow sensed. It helped me focus everything under that umbrella. She and others have read my hands many times now and I have discovered so many confirmations and validations and gotten so much clarity as to why I am here who the universe says I am that spotlight part of her answer played out later in a very important way for the more I began to understand it. She and others would tell me not everybody has spotlight it's a specific marking in your hands and when you have spotlight it means you have to get in the spotlight on stages through books, through my podcasts like this.
These are things I need to do to fully live my purpose. She said every time she would coach me in those early days you want to know why you're not making the money because you're not in the spotlight. After that, I went on stages. I wrote my books. I had radio shows. I have this podcast now. I've had others in the past and I have a weekly gig now on Fox News on a show that is regional that is getting ready to go national and I am their visionary spiritual teacher in the spotlight, living it out, living that essence in whatever ways I want. The more I show up and I do it and I be it and I own it and I have it.
I am able to live more fully and all my good comes back to me and the people I am meant to impact or touched or changed or transform have some impact in their life. Those people I have soul contracts with to come into their life at certain points. I get to serve them. Here I am now on national TV as a spiritual coach and a manifesting expert talking about these things that we once couldn't talk about. I had to be ready.
When the opportunity showed up in the world that meant I had to say yes, every time the opportunity showed up for me. Do you see I had to build the platform, build the community, build my body of work, learn how to speak on stage have books to promote me so that Fox News could say we want you as our resident expert. I have used many tools and many guides and advisors to help me discover all these clues hidden in plain sight. I've spent a lot of time learning some of them so that I can use them for myself and for my clients.
I often will recommend the people who they can go to for these tools as I'm not selling all of these things. But then when you give me your results as your coach, I can really work with you. I can really work with you and help you to understand and coach you through what these mean and how to apply them into your life. They give me important information. So much clarity. This is why I'm here. This is who the universe says I am. I am not crazy. Those voices in my head though Spirit nudging they're real.
When I am working with my clients, I tell them one of the first things. I'm going to have them do is answer three questions for me. They get a worksheet called the starting point for building a personality brand that begins with them answering these three questions. This worksheet has been so valuable to those I have worked with. This is where I started as well.
Here are the three questions. Who do I say that I am? What do I say that I do? Who do I say that I serve? It's important to understand and see. This is about your answers, not anyone else's input. This is how you begin to consider your soul in the marketplace. Your soul out in the world, your contribution, the contribution you are here to be. Your soul message expressed and your unique selling proposition. If this is really resonating for you right now, I invite you to take a look at a website. I have . I share parts of my journey very deep in all of this. I have some resources there for you and I have some things for you to read and see if they resonate for you.
First, you get to say who you are. Many people make the mistake in answering these questions because they are vague, and unclear or they go into really esoteric and ungrounded language that doesn't make it clear to people who you are and why they need to know you. It's not about labels. It's not about modalities and processes. This is who you are in relation to those you serve. So they can identify you are the one to help them and come running with their hands raised.
The year I first answered that question. I said I am the Business Coach for intuitive women and my business doubled. My work marketing and promoting myself became much easier. I've learned to answer these questions clearly in just a few short concise sentences. You can too every few years as I'm growing and evolving and up leveling my business grows and evolves and up levels. The clients who are showing up the community showing up in my world, the opportunities like now being on Fox News, getting on big stages, writing my books, speaking online, I speak online, I need to seek out that spotlight. I speak online all the time at other people's events.
When I am surd what I was going to tell you was this will change this may change over time. But look how clear and concise I was. Everybody understood that. When I answered What do I say that I do? I learned that I needed to talk about outcomes, benefits and results. I needed to identify what my potential clients thought their problems were the problems that were keeping them up at night the problems that they were already searching for solutions for I used my powerful personal story and answered that question. I helped spiritual entrepreneurs turn their life's calling from an expensive hobby into a profitable business they love. I spoke to both their problem and their dream right there.
Now that has changed some. Do you see how that was so clear? I could go out in my marketing and my branding and my promoting. I was doing sponsorships of live events at the time that we needed that banner that you unfold that sits there and the cloth and all the things that tell who you are. In that sentence, I also answered Who do I say that I serve? I help spiritual entrepreneur. I have told you now in those two things that I serve intuitive women and spiritual entrepreneurs. Just by saying I am the Business Coach for intuitive women helping you turn your life's calling from an expensive hobby into a profitable business you love.
I have answered all three questions in a clear, grounded concise way. Now I have grown and evolved, my life has grown and evolve, my powerful personal stories have grown and evolved and I'm getting sought out still as the business coach and still by intuitive women and spiritual entrepreneurs also for ambitious successful women that want to learn better how to manifest or that aren't happy even when they have the business and making the money.
Some part of them is going on answered or they have issues showing up in their relationships or in their money or in their home or with their families or children or any other area. So I've shifted a little and if you look on my facebook now, you will see that my shift has grown and expanded but it is still exactly who I am helping you turn your life's calling into an epic life you love.
I started with all the information about who I am and why I'm here. Then I learned how to make it marketable. So my dream clients, my soul clients could hear me and would want to seek me out and it worked. A lot of people get hung up and stay stuck and confused for a very long time. When it comes to who do I say that I serve? Many will say what I do helps everyone with everything. Well in general, I'm a former therapist, I was a hospital chaplain. I'm a healer. I'm intuitive. I'm a coach and I'm a manifesting expert. What I do helps everyone with everything. Yes, but if you speak to everyone about everything, no one will be able to hear you and your powerful personal stories, draw people to you that resonate and have similar stories.
They see that you were here and now you're here and you can help them and they're either where you were or they're stuck somewhere in the middle. Again, a way that spiritual coaching helps you bring all your gifts, talents, skills, ability, tools, techniques, processes, to the table under that umbrella, and it helps you create a very profitable and sustainable business, responding to your life's calling. You get to choose who you serve. It will relate to people you've been drawn to people you've helped before, people you can help with the gifts skills, talents, training and experience you have accumulated up to this point and it will relate to your own personal stories.
They are powerful. This is where I want you to really recognize people who say Who am I supposed to serve? Who am I meant to serve? I wish somebody would just tell me and hand me the job description but you're growing and evolving and you get to choose so my first 12 coaching clients are very different, very different in so many ways. But I realized I loved helping the spiritual entrepreneurs, especially the women. That's part of my soul purpose and because I'm this visionary spiritual teacher in the spotlight, I love helping spiritual teachers.
So I could say well, what I do helps everyone with everything but I can only help so many people and those bring me joy. The highest good of all has to include you or it's not for the highest good and a big part of your soul purpose in your life purpose is to be happy and joyful and fully self-expressed. The truth is your highest purpose in coming here is to be in joy, and to live your spiritual journey and walk your spiritual path. You can choose to do this in many different ways. People want someone to tell them you're meant to go to X be a Y and do Z. That's not how it works.
We get to choose and we grow and evolve in the process. We become the person who can do that and have that which we won't want. I know I'm a healer. I also know I'm an intuitive. I am a psychic and a medium. I am a coach. I am a manifesting expert. I have many spiritual gifts I've opened up and developed over the years above all else I am a healer when I was a therapist, that was an expression of me as a healer when I was a hospital chaplain, even before that volunteering, working in hospice, working in volunteer opportunities when my children were young, I always showed up even in my jobs, where my job was not to be the healer and sometimes it was to be the manager or the boss.
I always showed up as the healer. I made choices along the way and how I would express this into the world. First I took a very traditional path. I began with volunteer work when I had a best friend who was dying and I got involved in support services and hospice work. I decided then to go back to school to get my Master's Degree and become a therapist. I did that for some years and then I felt called to seminary because this is all my spiritual journey. I follow a Spirit led life. I felt called to seminary with the plan to become a hospital chaplain. All of that is ways I was expressing being a healer that made sense to me at the time.
I kept following my calling and following the breadcrumbs and following the nudges. Eventually I began to experience Alternative and Complementary Medicine and energy healing and that is when I took a deep dive into energy medicine in all its forms. I gave up my license so I could open a healing center in my community, still walking the healers path now in a very different way. I went on to discover the coaching world and realize that I have always been coaching people and that I preferred coaching over therapy and so I built a coaching business, still walking the healers path, still doing healing and intuitive work with my clients.
One thing I really need to get clear right here and right now I said it a minute ago, before we move together is this. The highest good of all, always includes you or it's not the highest good. This is so important. Try it on for size. Can you embrace it? I bring this up because many of you are not living this way at all. It's going to impact you in a very big way. For too long I had been working for everybody else while neglecting myself and not taking my needs into account. It did not serve me at all, and it didn't serve my family. Over time I came to see that if I wanted to do this work.
I came here to do that I am made to do and nothing else, which was my overriding desire that I needed to start taking my needs, wants and desires and start a clue including me in the equation. I wanted to do this work. I came here to do that I am made to do and nothing else and I have not had a job with someone else since 2006. I had to start taking my needs, wants and desires into account and start including me in the equation. I have come to see that this is an Achilles heel for most healers, it is a critical weakness that can lead to our downfall. I know I lived it, and when my clients come to me, I am watching them live it as well until we clear, heal and resolve and transform it.
First I agreed to work for very little working in nonprofits, crisis centers and shelters, working as a therapist where I was paid to government grants, insurance and donations. I had a lot of money issues now in my community and world and for a long time. I'm known for saying we're going to talk about spirituality, business and money all in the same breath. We're going to watch what happens but I had a lot of issues around money. Then I built a healing center in my community that was so successful and changed many lives. But it became a very expensive hobby and I had to close it 18 months later, after creating financial disaster for me and my family. But that became a powerful personal story once I turned it around.
I had a decision to make in that moment either. I was going to have to run a business or go do this work as a volunteer in another capacity or go home. I chose to make good business decisions, learn how to be in business, and I turned my expensive hobby into a profitable and sustainable business that supports and sustains the life I want to live while helping so many more people than I ever could when I was struggling and broke. I've had now for 15 years. What I've also had is an amazing life. I have absolutely adored living every minute of it. I have not been employed now since 2006 and I have had my business ever since.
When you decide to answer your calling and turn this into your vocation and your work in the world. You are bringing your soul into the marketplace. The two worlds merge and it's a true entrepreneurial Hero's Journey that needs to be navigated. I would not do it without trusted guides and advisors mentors, coaches and teachers. You have a message inside of you something only you can say in your unique way.
You have come here to serve people who are waiting for you to step up into who you are. So they can step in to work with you. That's how it works. They won't step up until you do. What has to happen when you decide to turn that into a business is that you have to take your soul into the marketplace and into the world. The best way to do that is to build a personality brand. Once I learned how to build a personality brand that would allow me to be pursued rather than pursuing. My business and my income doubled in less than a year.
I teach my clients how to build a personality brand. I teach them how to do what I did that changed my life and business in so many ways. In the past, I traveled and spoke to entrepreneurs specifically teaching them what a personality brand is and why they want to build one. If you go to You can find a gift I still have there waiting for you. You can start looking at this for yourself if this is what is speaking to you.
Your next step is to connect with your soul message that you came here to express. Then you learn how to create a unique selling proposition so that your soul purpose and your soul message translate into a business where you help your dream clients and you get paid well for it. Yes, I am beating that drum still again, always. The other place I see so many people stumble as they think they have to have it all figured out before they can start. This results in them getting ready to get ready, to get ready are spending time creating content to become courses and programs. They don't even know will sell yet. This one happens a lot. Y'all, know this right now.
Your clients are just two steps behind you. They just need to know how to get from where they are to where you are. You show up and live your journey and share your journey. You grow and evolve and your business grows and evolves where I am today in my business and my life. I never could have planned for an orchestrated or even stated as a goal because I could not imagine it. I learn to show up, make a decision and take inspired aligned action over and over again. I had to do three things to turn my business and my life around, show up. Make a decision. Take inspired aligned action.
Too many people never take any action toward what they say they want most. Then they wonder why they don't have it. I kept stepping in and serving the people who showed up I kept learning and growing my life got bigger and my business got bigger. I began to heal my money and my money grew and then my life got bigger and my business got bigger. More opportunities showed up for me because sometimes the opportunities show up and they feel expensive and scary.
I began to live a much more integrated life. I showed up more and more as who I am all the time, online and in person in my business and in my life. Hand analysis is just one tool I use to help me understand who the Universe says I am. I also find answers within the Akashic records. I have studied the Akashic records and worked within the Akashic records for many years now. I have had others consult the Akashic records for me. The records have confirmed for me many times that I am on the right track with the information and guidance I am getting and implementing. I am here for transformation. The records tell me often. I have worked in personal transformation for over 30 years now.
In the summer of 2018, I received my doctorate in transformational spiritual coaching. My soul is all about transformation. The more I became connected to my higher self in my soul, the more I welcome transformation into my life. I sought it out then did transformational work with everyone. I came across who was ready for it.
Another powerful tool that I have used to make decisions for myself and my business and guide me in growing and evolving is human design. This is one of the most complex systems I have ever worked with. There are an astounding number of clues we can find that help us understand who we are and why we are here and what to do with it.
Human Design shows us a map of how we are wired and the unique way we are here to move through the world and impacted in our own unique way. I am a projector and that means I'm here to be a consultant and advisor and a guide for others. It also means that others project themselves onto me to find out who they are and to heal back into their wholeness. I'm equipped to do this work. Look at all the things I've shared with you just on this episode that have trained me and equip me. I've always been drawn to it. Now I understand why. I have words to put to it. It also frees me from trying to do what others are doing, who are not wired this way.
I had to learn how to be a projector and this spiritual entrepreneur building and growing a business and managing all the moving parts over the past year, seven or eight now. I have found the addition of human design as a tool in my business and my life has been invaluable. The information contained within your human design helps you connect with your soul purpose. Your life purpose and translate that into a pathway and a plan. There's so much the deeper you dive in to discover about yourself that is applicable to your life where you can see outcomes benefits and results. When you know and understand your life purpose and your soul purpose. They can serve as a touchstone, a guidepost and a reference point for you.
Human Design addresses how you are uniquely designed and wired. This includes your bio genetic inheritance and your unconscious programming. You are here to grow and evolve and human design can show you what you intended when you came here. You included in your design what would be for your growth and evolution and for your highest and best. The potential already exists within you by using human design and the information and insights it provides. You can discover and act upon the clues that are there for you.
Often you began to recognize some interest and calling and desire or an inclination toward your design that is how it was with me. You left little breadcrumbs for yourself to discover along the way. Human Design helps you clarify where you are going and the best way to get there. Human Design looks at both the body and the soul. The body is here to support the soul and it has its own trajectory for this lifetime as well. It was formed including your bio genetics.
I have many powerful tools to use and reference and refer out as resources in my work and in my life for clearing healing and resolving. I'll continue to share those with you in other episodes of this podcast and on Facebook and on Instagram and I share them in my books, your life purpose, support your soul purpose.
Your soul purpose is the purpose of your soul throughout lifetimes. Your life purpose is the configuration of your body, the vehicle you came here in to support your soul purpose this time. You live your best life and create the most synchronicity when you are aligned with both your body and your soul working together. Your Human Design shows you how you are designed and wired to do the work you are here to do. It also shows you what you struggle with.
You are able to see how you have been already expressing this in ways that were different, maybe more traditional like I did, like I shared with you and in ways that didn't make sense to you at the time or that others question. Why are you doing this? Why am I doing this? Now you see how it all fits your purpose and you will understand how it all brings you to this moment in time and equips you to carry out your purpose at the next level now.
You have a unique design and your soul requires.The more you live according to how you are designed and wired. The more you live in alignment with your life purpose and your soul purpose, the more abundance you have in every area of your life. You have more of all you need and desire. Conditioning and programming are what keeps you from living as you intend. Once you're able to see where you are most susceptible to conditioning and programming which are masquerading as self with a capital S but are not self with a small s.
You can become aware and get back to Self with a capital S not self. We're conditioned behaviors can stand in the way of your true potential where you are open to being influenced by the energy of others conditioning hijacks you. You have specific areas where you can be most hijacked, influenced or conditioned by others with conscious awareness you can overcome it and turn your design into your greatest strengths.
Everything is a positive calling you to true mastery. You are already designed and wired to do just that. So what gets in the way is the way see. The bottom line is all the challenges and struggles you encounter. All the blocks are always for your good, designed to move you back into alignment with your nature and your design. They are trying to write you, to rebalance you to get you back on track.
It comes down to this: you design this to accomplish what you intended you can feel and experience your way to it. You can learn more to be conscious and aware. So you don't have to just learn by trial and error. Then you become the conscious creator of your own life instead of unconsciously creating because make no mistake you are creating 24/7, 365.
You have to believe that where you are being called, you have been equipped. Spirit does not call the equipped, Spirit equips the called. Remember this is a journey, your spiritual journey. Spiritual entrepreneurship is the most intensive personal and spiritual growth and development program you could ever enroll in. I will tell you this, the payoff is out of this world.
The life you get to live the epic life turning your life's calling into an epic life you love and you're better for yourself and you're better for everyone. When you combine who you are with the powerful tools to make sense of who you are and what you came here to do. Then learn how to turn this into a spiritual business.
You are working with the winning combination. You are meant to do big things and you sense this and know it. It's in you and you are ready to work it consciously. It's time to go bigger with your purpose. The impact you are here to make to create more success and prosperity in your life and benefit from that as you benefit others. You are here to be the contribution you are here to be and get paid well for it.
Remember my invitation if this is really speaking to you, this episode and these things I'm saying. Go visit my website See what I'm talking about there, read what I have for you there and connect with me on my Facebook, If you love this, go to Get all my series, get all my episode. Let them pour into you and my book that I promoted and published last year, #SoulTeach: Your Guide to Creating all that you Need, Want and Desire, your guide to manifesting what you need want and desire. Go to It's a 365 day book. It will pour into you and it doesn't start on January one. It starts on your day one you know give you things to meditate on reflect on consider. Sit with, observe, put into practice soul, You are here to be the contribution you are here to be.
You are here to live the epic life you want to live your desire to live in you intend and I am here. Stepping into the spotlight that is in my hands in my design to bring these messages to you to pour into you to speak this to you. So I'm so grateful that you show up and allow me to show up and be my purpose. Stay connected with me in all these ways I've told you and I am going to leave you with this today. Thank you so much.