Dr. Michelle Barr, Manifesting Expert & Spiritual Life Coach

The Hero's Journey Series Episode One: Yes, You Can Make Money Being Who You Are

Episode Summary

Listen in on today’s The Hero's Journey Series Episode One on this podcast episode. Turn Your Life's Calling Into an Epic Life You Love! Welcome to Dr. Michelle Barr's Podcast! Dr. Barr is a Manifestation Expert and Spiritual Life Coach, Speaking life back into you. She is a Spiritual Entrepreneur, Teacher, Speaker, and Author. Consider this your safe place to land and your Next Level Upgrade.

Episode Notes

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Episode Transcription

The Hero's Journey Series Episode One: Yes, You Can Make Money Being Who You Are

Hello welcome, magnificent community. I have just put a wrap on the Find your Freedom series and you can catch that last episode if you haven't yet, and all the episodes at my workingforspiritpodcast.com. Now we're moving into new territory, and I'm going to start by sharing with you all the things that I had to consider, that I had to do, that I had to be and that I had to have to be able to turn my life's calling into a profitable and sustainable business that I loved that would also support and sustain the life I wanted to live. That's a mouthful. 

Think about it. It was all about recognizing my soul's deepest desires, my soul's needs and requirements and how that would express itself in my life. If I were fully living on purpose in my purpose in flow, growing and evolving into my highest potential I can tell you, it's quite a journey. It's definitely the hero's journey, and then you throw into it, the entrepreneurial hero's journey, and at the same time, the payoffs, the rewards are out of this world for you, for your family, for the clients and community and students and customers that you will serve throughout your lifetime and that every one you touch, and every one they will touch backwards and forwards through generations. I'm not exaggerating, because if you're here listening to me, you have some kind of soul work, some kind of purpose work and there are a lot of different ways to express that and this is what it's going to be all about. 

Moving forward into this new territory, the Hero's journey. The first thing I want to bring forward to you is something that did not occur to me until I was ready to hear it and then until I was ready to consider it and then believe it. When you are doing Spirit work, why would you believe anything less than that spirit wants you to live the life of your dreams. Notice what you notice, notice what you feel. Notice what that brings up in you because it took time for me. Now it's an absolute 100% Of course, and I expected and that's how I live my life but not always.

There's so much conditioning and programming out there from society and families and generations and cultures about selfless serving and suffering serving in the nobility of it and the humility of it and about working hard to make every penny and I have found that not to be true and I invite you on this journey with me. Over the next days, weeks and months for however long. We walk, we ride this wave when you are doing Spirit work. Why would you believe anything less than that Spirit wants you to live the life of your dreams. 

I invite you to reflect on this to open to it, to consider it and see what it brings up in you and that how that has affected every area of your life. I'm getting a little tongue tied here because I have so much coming in that I want to share. As I'm talking to you I am energetically transmitting to you beyond your brain and beyond the words. That is how I work, so stay with me and absorb it. If your mind can't go there or wants to kick up a bunch of stuff. Then just let it come in. And just be willing to say what if. So, join me on this journey, your personal hero's journey. And here we go.

Today the first thing I want to talk to you about it, yes, you can make money being a healer. Now something I want to tell you is Yes, I have a lot of clients, the majority of people who show up in my world. They're healers and helpers. But that can mean anything. I have clients who are teachers, lawyers, nurses, doctors, therapists, counselors, as well as people who are coaches or want to be coache and learn more about spiritual coaching and those who are healers in more alternative forms of intuitives and healers. 

So I'm speaking broadly because if you don't know my story, I was a therapist turned hospital chaplain, turned energy healer turn coach, bringing all of that together into my highest expression of myself and my work and my purpose and my highest potential and I continue to grow and evolve. I tend to attract people who are the helpers and healers. This brings me to this can also be more intrinsic than in your job description. For I have had clients who are organic farmers and I have had clients who are style coaches and style experts and insurance salesperson and a realtor, multiple realtors, yet they brought elements of healing to their work. So this can be you. 

If you have been led here, this can be you. So let's talk about yes you can make money being a healer.  Along my hero's journey what I'm going to be covering over this time together over the next days, weeks and months for however long. We ride this particular wave together. I want you to recognize that first my journey was about turning my life's calling into a profitable business I love and I had a long journey, a long, fruitful, amazing, magical, challenging, growth inducing, evolving journey that I would not trade for anything. And it's brought me to where I am today. 

I'm going to talk to you all about that and where I am now and what I'm growing and evolving into that you're gonna see, especially if you've been in my world for any amount of time or a long time. Starting last year, the next revolution of this for me is turning your life's calling into an epic life you love. First I turned my life's calling into a profitable and sustainable business and then into the life I wanted to live where now the work I do in the business I have allows me and my partner, my husband and my family to have amazing life amazing experiences that just get better and better. 

I've been able to help my clients, create amazing results and amazing lives and I bring my clients along on these journeys. It gets bigger and bigger and bigger. So that is the depth and the width and the breadth of it. Here's where we start. If you're showing up here you have a calling, you're aware of who you're calling. You don't just do work for work sake, for money sake. Even a lot of people who come into my world, a lot of them have struggles with money because of that in my money journey was a big part of it.

We're going to dive deep into that as well. I didn't just say I want to be an entrepreneur. Should I open a franchise. I love Subway sandwiches I could offer that I could open a coffee shop one time, even looked at the viability of the house brought me back to what I want to be doing. It's my life's work in the world. You can be expressing that at different levels  in your life and in your world. People come into my world in the entrepreneurial hero's journey when not all and you don't have to so I'm here for you. Just open to the possibilities when we are looking into the future. I'm an intuitive I'm a healer. When we are looking into the future, nothing is set in stone because everything is energy. Yet there are when I look at rings if you really roll it out for you because every time you listen to what I'm saying, every time you take an actual inspired and aligned action, energy vibration frequency goes out into the world and changes. 

Things can change in an instant,  things can grow and evolve. That's why this is a true journey. So I see in this moment, things that are already within your reach. They're already your vibration and you just need to focus your desire on them take aligned inspired action and call them in. The next realm is things that are close to you because some of the aspects some of the part of it you're already a match to, but you don't already have them because not only have you not focused on them, call them in and take inspired and aligned action. 

But you've got to grow, you've got to stretch and grow but you can and then they will come closer to be yours. Then there's that third final realm out there, which is things that exists. Everything exists in the field. If you have a desire, a way has already been made. You're just not a vibrational match to them at this time, and things are going to have to shift to bring them closer. This is actually the realm of when miracles happen of when magic happens of when things start suddenly showing up and you can't even believe how or why for yourself or if you've watched that with other people. This is what I am talking about with you today. I am just going to make an adjustment to something right here. 

Then I'm going to move into the next part here. Okay. So yes, you can make money, answering your life's calling, living your life's calling. My life is completely integrated now. I live my life, all of it all the time. I'm the same, no matter when and where and how you would come in contact with me. I work toward this and it brings so much reward. One thing I want to plant a seed and have you recognize as I go into all this today is your money in the bank. The money you receive, the money you have is not a reflection of your value. You are a precious child of God, you are a divine spark in the universe. You exist, you're here for a reason and a purpose. You have free will and spirit cannot impede on your free will. 

The money, the resources, the things that come to you to support you that you feel sometimes are lacking or you're calling out for or you're looking for. They come to you as a reflection of the percentage of your value that you're putting out into the world. So this is a time for taking honest inventory how much of the value that is inside of you. Are you offering out into the world and how much of the time I really want that to land. That's been a big part of my journey. It got quicker and easier. The more I showed up, the higher percentage I showed up. The more often I showed up with it until the resources, the money, the time, the people were flowing in and I was riding the way. 

So let's go back a little bit. The day I had to close my healing center. My business that you see today began with a call put upon me in Spiritual nudges and urgings that got stronger and stronger and the rug being pulled out from under me because I did not take aligned inspired action toward what I said I wanted and that will happen. I will be talking a lot about that. My business began with a local Healing Center. It lasted 18 months. My whole evolution of my business has come from that because I created a very expensive hobby, which created financial disaster for my family. 18 Months Later there was the day I had to close my healing center. It could have broken my heart but it didn't. I hadn't come this far to only come this far. I had a decision to make and then I needed to take aligned action. I need to show up for myself and show up for the people waiting for me and for my unique messaging gifts. I wish I could have seen you all been all the clients I've served over the past 15 years. All the people I've connected with on Facebook, on social media, on YouTube through my podcast live events. Everywhere that I show up and serve every day. Those of you who've picked up my books to start or continue that journey with me, it would have kept me going and you can be assured your tribe, your community, your clients, your students, your people are waiting for you to show up so they can show up. 

I had to make a decision in that moment that I was going to be in business not an expensive hobby. Not a charity, not a volunteer and not a broke healer which is exactly what I was playing out. I put that in air quotes because it is such a stereotype that people continue to play out. This man I had to start making good business decisions and I hadn't been. Carl Jung identified the archetype of the wounded healer many years ago, and I've resonated strongly with it. It is perhaps one of the best known archetypes written about the idea that those who seek to help others are doing so because they are in turn helping themselves.

 Their work serving others ultimately heals them too. That's why the highest good of all has to include you or it's not for the highest good and something once we get deeper into my work. I'm going to introduce to you the whole idea that your superpower that you have discovered that you desire and crave to use to help others all of humanity has to be used for you. I found all of this to be so true. 

Healers are always seeking out more healing, the next modality, another certification before they are ready to just start doing their work. The problem is healers will not heal until they be who they are and do their work. This is my story. There's another archetype that is all too common around the spiritual community today and that is the broke healer. In their desire to help others healers, helpers and  intuitives they tend to put themselves at the bottom of the list. They are experiencing a strong calling and nothing makes sense until they answer it. In earlier times, though the medicine woman or man, the seer or the prophet would be identified within the community and they would be cared for by all the people. They did not work for free. They were brought the best of the best and they were taken care of in exchange for using their gifts for the people. They brought their blessing bowls down and they were filled with goods and gold. In our times we do not as a collective care for our healers anymore. So it is up to each person to do that on their own. It just is. 

While the times have changed these outdated notions have held on and have been perpetuated by the mainstream, the church societies, cultures and even within the spiritual community. They've gotten bastardized into people believing that people never had to pay for healers that they gave their gifts for free. And that simply is not true. Something if you want to google it, you'll find it on YouTube as a blog and as a podcast episode. Google my name Michelle Barr and don't make me talk about Mother Teresa. You will find a lot about it. It's a whole diatribe. So I'm not going to do it right here right now. Don't make me talk about Mother Teresa. But you can find it all over. So this is where I found myself on June 15, 2008, standing outside Hope House, the Healing Center I built in my community, closing the door and locking it for the very last time. For 18 months people have shown up for healing and intuitive services, classes and workshops inside this little blue house. Miracles happened. Healings happen. Spiritual growth happened. I was fulfilling my purpose. I had stepped out in faith and it had all come together. 

People were showing up, from all over the community loved it, right? Except I was running a business but not making good business decisions.  I was not dealing with my money crap for sure. I was not honoring what now is a guiding principle for me. The highest good of all must include you or it's not the highest good. There are a lot of people whose agenda and intentions include you not figuring this out and when you start seeing it, you can't unsee it. I had reached a place where I couldn't not do this. I was willing to learn better and to do better. 

I prayed that prayer standing right there on the steps. Remember wherever there is a desire and a clear Ask a way has already been made. I'm not even kidding. You can't make this shit up as I love to tell you. When I turned around a chiropractor I knew was standing there and she told me to follow her down the street onto the historic town square where she had set herself up. She offered me a free office space for 30 days so that I could continue my work. I showed up for myself and Spirit showed up for me. I could have had all kinds of reasons why I needed to regroup not get into something else. Go home and lick my wounds. Stay stuck tell my sad stories and be in fear. What if it doesn't work again but no. I could have easily gone home that day. Put on my pajamas, gotten a bowl of ice cream and settled on the couch to watch Lifetime movies. But that was an old pattern not who I was becoming. It was familiar. It was safe. And it was comfortable. But it would no longer serve me. 

You see I knew where that road led a few years earlier before I had said yes to Spirit and went about the business of my work. I spent a year on the couch in my pajamas eating ice cream and watching Lifetime movies. I felt sorry for myself. I contracted my energy. I became disconnected and very sad. I told all kinds of stories that I then had to live because it is universal law that whatever you say is, is. I knew this but I had really lost my way. 

I had experienced a really crazy letting go with the last job I ever had in December of 2006. I have not had a job working for someone else since. I was angry. I was shocked. I was confused. Yet later I was able to see the hand of spirit all over it. I've not been employed by anyone else since that job in 2006. One year later, almost to the day. I was holding the key and putting out my sign in the front yard of Hope House. So that day 18 months later, many hard lessons learned a bad business partnership severed, all the financial mess I had created for myself and my family, staring me right in the face. I knew I wanted to be here now and do what I am made to do. And nothing else. That meant I had to shift over the next few years I did and that is what I have written for you here in my books and that is what I am talking to you about here the notes 

I've written for you to share with you today. In this new series I've created the hero's journey. I am now more than a decade down the road. I helped myself and I have helped hundreds of healers and intuitives to build their spiritual businesses a profitable and sustainable business and a life that supports and sustains that.

It's time to talk to you more about this now, so that I can reach 1000s more and you can reach the 10s and hundreds and 1000s your meant to reach. I wrote a book a few years ago that I first heard and I've grown and evolved since then. So I'm taking from that book. Now I'm sharing more of how I see the Hero's Journey and how turn your life's calling into a profitable business you love and build a life that that business supports and sustains a life you love to live has now in this time paid off to where now turn your life's calling into an epic life you love.

Now I'm here. I can turn around and help you so much more. I always tell my clients and my community “ God does not call the equip, He equips the called. Spirit does not call the equipped spirit equips the called. This is a journey of being supported and becoming. The key is you have to go first. Once you make a decision and take aligned action, the universe will rush in to meet you It will bring you gifts, opportunities and breadcrumbs. You must allow and receive the gifts, say yes to the opportunities and follow the breadcrumbs. 

What makes people not do this is that a lot of what shows up to move you to your next level. It's uncomfortable, it's inconvenient, it seems illogical and it can be expensive. If you were already a match to and you would already happen, it will stretch and grow you; everything that shows up is an answer to what you have been asking for. You can count on that. Absolutely. What shows up first is what needs to be cleared, healed and resolved for you to receive what you were asking for and that stops people in their tracks. It surprises now, I have a mantra now because I believe this fully 100%. Whatever happens I remind myself Spirit is always working in my favor. 

 I watched to see what we're going to make of it. It caught me off guard, it surprised me and stopped me in my tracks. What I set out to build my business I'm ready to go. I'm gonna take action and create success. Why? Why in the hell and why suddenly dealing with all my mother stuff. True story. I am perfectly equipped to work with healers of all kinds. No matter what expression you're currently in have that no matter where you want to go with it along this Hero's journey personally and professionally to build your spiritual business to answer your calling to turn it into a profitable business you love, to do your passion project to create an organization of volunteer opportunity, whatever it is. 

Everything I've done up to this time finally made sense when I found my way to my true work in the world and started doing it. Throughout much of my life, my resume did not make sense to most people. I never stayed in any job very long and I bounced all over the place doing all kinds of things, showing up where I was led and called for those people in that place in time rather than climbing any corporate ladder, receiving what I needed from them while giving to them individually and collectively what they needed for me and the reason it worked for me even before I understood it was because I was in that infinity the law of giving and receiving which I'll talk to you more about when you're in fully the law of giving and receiving it works.

 From my vantage point today, it's all perfect and as we unpack it with my clients and students and community you'll be able to see the same. The same is true for you. You might not just be able to see it yet. One of my gifts is that I can, my desire was to do my work in the world using my spiritual gifts and my highest core value is freedom. 

Everything I talk to you about now is find your freedom, time freedom, money freedom, spiritual freedom, to have a spiritual journey of your dreams into freedom that money doesn't make your decisions. Even financial freedom is not how much money I have in the bank. It's knowing how to create and receive all the money I need and want when I need and want it. My highest core value is freedom, which means that I need to work for myself and create the life I actually want to be living, so gifting myself a profitable and sustainable business allowed me to no longer make decisions based on money and lack of it.

 I'm able to have the spiritual journey I came here for. I'm able to grow and evolve and my business reflects that. Think about this for over a decade now for 15 years. I've been able to live my spiritual journey, then turn around and share it with others and that has become a multi six figure growing business for me and an epic life that I love. I have followed this formula first unknowingly. For over a decade, 15 years lived my life, share my journey, walk through fires, turn around and help others get from where they are, to where I am grow and evolve then do it again. 

The Hero's Journey, gather a community around me, feed them, serve them and invite them to work with me. I kept figuring it out and moving forward and it takes on a life of its own organically as I grow and evolve and as I go where I lead and I co created all with spirit. One day I woke up living my dream and I thought, wow! What now? My coach said when you wake up living your dream, it's time to dream a new dream. I discovered much bigger dreams and I moved toward them. If you've listened to any of my podcasts, you know that my work always asks you to go back to your desires. They're there. You've just learned really well as others would have you to set them aside for later for not a time of this for another time. When this isn't happening and this is happening you have more of this and less than this and this person doesn't object. I had a coach who was so in your face. She would ask people when it was appropriate. Who are you waiting for to die to go forward with this dream or this desire? Imagine that, wow. 

I never wanted to wait for that but I understood it. Each time I would reach for the bigger dream and push through the comfort zone. I had just gotten comfortable and didn't stay too long in the comfort zones. I had the formula I knew the shifts I had to make at the same time. Stay in what you've created long enough to bask in it and to fully receive and enjoy it and express gratitude and say yes, this I love this and give me more. The universe is always about more life. Nature is always about more life. The universe is constantly expanding and it's all about expansion. I knew the shifts I had to make, I knew the actions to take, I had the formula and then that even grew as I grew as I worked with different mentors and teachers and advisors and healers who brought me the next piece and the next piece that I needed. Once I learned this I was able to use it over and over again. It has served me well. 

As I bring the series to you, as I write my books for you, as I write my blogs for you, as I talk to you, as I write my Facebook posts and go Facebook live for you. All the things I do. I'm letting you know. This can be your journey. It's a personal journey. It can be an epic journey for you. All this is possible for me and those pioneers who wouldn't be for me and reach back and said Here let me help you get to that next level and that next level. 

When I wrote my second book that was really a breakthrough for me. I had just come through a two year intense personal and spiritual growth and development journey. I was just on the verge of a profitable and sustainable business. I'd figured some things out but not all of it. Because of the work I'd done on myself and with my clients I was able to navigate it, lean into it to receive all it had to give me and grow and evolve. Now I've grown and evolved past that. 

I've gone on to write my third book and on and on and on, and you're living it. It's unfolding in real life and it's surprising and delighting you so another one of my mantras is ;Universe surprise and delight me lean into it and all it has to give you.

Remember you can find other podcast episodes at workingforspiritpodcast.com where I tell you about your part of the Universe's part if you ever sitting there thinking the universe isn't doing its part and it's not working for you. You need to go back and look at what is your part. 

I'm so glad you're joining me in this new series, the Hero's Journey. I want this for you. I know your struggles. I have felt your pain. I understand your dreams and desires and how this calling takes hold of you and just won't let go. I've worked with so many people like you. I can tell you why your life isn't working when you aren't living in your purpose. If your dream come true is to be this Healer and this full expression of you in whatever way and to create a life an epic life. 

Turn your life's calling into an epic life you love and turn your life's calling into a profitable and sustainable business or whatever way that you're going to create the means and the resources to live this life. To get paid well for it, to create the life you want to live on your terms and spend your days doing the work you love and are called to do. Then let me be your guide and let this be your guide book. 

Climb every mountain. Forward every stream. Follow every rainbow until you find your dream. A dream that will need all the love you can give every day of your life for as long as you live. You recognize that sound of music. It says it perfectly. These opportunities as you desire they're going to show up. Recognize the bread crumbs, say yes, climb every mountain forward every stream, follow every rainbow and get good at receiving. Step into the law of giving and receiving and don't stop no matter what. Until you find your dream and when you wake up living your dream it's time to dream a new dream. And this dream, these desires will need all the love you can give to yourself, to your life to Spirit to all those that will be involved to the field where you will co create it every day of your life for as long as you live. 

I will be able to live with these things and more. Do this for the rest of my life. Create the life I want to live every year. My life and 2023 is always already shaping up to be different than the life I've been living this year and last year and these have been some really pivotal years. Stay with me workingforspiritpodcast.com. Look in the show notes to find resources I have for you and to connect with me. I'm so excited for this journey. We are going to journey together and I'm going to leave you with that today. Many many blessings. Here's to your sacred success in mind. Let's do it. Let's be it. Let's have it. Thank you.