Listen in on today’s The Hero's Journey Series Episode Three on this podcast episode. Turn Your Life's Calling Into an Epic Life You Love! Welcome to Dr. Michelle Barr's Podcast! Dr. Barr is a Manifestation Expert and Spiritual Life Coach, Speaking life back into you. She is a Spiritual Entrepreneur, Teacher, Speaker, and Author. Consider this your safe place to land and your Next Level Upgrade.
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The Hero's Journey Series Episode Three: Solving the Problem of Receiving Money for Your Spiritual Gifts
Hello, magnificent community and welcome to another episode of my Working for Spirit podcast. You can find all the training and teaching series and all of my episodes at I'm really excited right now because I am in the middle of a new series we just kicked off, which is the Hero's journey.
Today I'm going to talk to you about a part of the Hero's Journey that is very key to people who show up in my community and the clients and the students that I have served over the years. I've had my business 15 years. What I want to talk to you about today is the way that I've created my life and my business. I really realized along the way, that my spiritual journey is the most important thing to me.
Freedom is the most important thing to me. Along the way I realized money freedom was important for the way I wanted to live my life and then more recently time freedom became really important. I am all about helping people find your freedom and create freedom so you can live the epic life that you want to live in the way that you want to live it.
Again, for most people who show up in my world a big part of that is they have gifts, they are helpers and healers in some way. I have had clients who are teachers, therapists, nurses, lawyers, doctors. A lot of different fields where people have traditionally gone to be helpers and healers. Then they find something is missing the spiritual element or in my case, the integration of getting to live my spiritual journey and my highest soul expression and life purpose expression in this lifetime. That's what I help other people with.
So this soul journey for me is one the freedom that money would not make my decision. I spent so many years being like a lot of us. I was a busy wife. I was a busy mother. I was a busy employee. I was a busy volunteer, a busy daughter, busy friend, busy co worker, all of those roles that we play and I would carve out little bits of time and go have these spiritual experiences.
But then I would come right back into the environment that I was in and so they would kind of dissipate until the next time. That wasn't working for me and I also became aware that my spiritual gifts were calling out to be more fully expressed. At first when I got that nudge like might happen to a lot of you, how does this even look? How do people even do this?
I was a therapist for a long time and I got rid of my license when Spirit really was urging me to open a healing center which I didn't even know what that meant, because I kept saying, If I don't have my license as a therapist, how would I have clients and what would that even look like? If I do have my license, I certainly can't be doing these things but these things are the things that I now see are working.
Then the more you say yes then you step out, you follow the breadcrumbs. Spirit brings you that next piece and for me it was the coaching world, people doing what I was feeling like I was supposed to do. I saw myself on stages speaking, writing books and teaching and helping people and coaching people. But in the first part of my business, I had a healing center and it was live and local. People literally came in to my healing center and God on a massage when I worked on them and I started seeing and feeling and knowing there was a lot more to it than that and that is not really all there was for me.
It's a funny thing, your dreams because when you're holding onto your dreams and you're really unfulfilled. You think if I just had that dream, that would be it. And What I've come to learn is once you step into this soul journey and life purpose journey, especially more fully and fully expressed. You get to be all about expansion because you tap into source, energy and spirit which is all about expansion. They're measuring our universe.
Our universe is expanding everywhere in nature except humans. Every single thing grows to its fullest potential and it does not decide to stop. It doesn't make excuses. You see roots of trees and flowers and grasses that bust through concrete that survive lack of water, all of these things. So you start getting in this expansive place. So once I got to this first stream, which was oh, if I could have my own healing in a building on my downtown historic square. Then suddenly there I was. It was a great few years and I loved it. Now before that part of my story is when I first opened my business, it became a very expensive hobby, created a lot of financial disaster for myself and my family.
I had to learn to change that which then grew and evolved into a huge part of my expertise that I'm known for and still get asked to speak on. For a lot of years, I was really focused on Spiritual business building. I still help my clients with that but beyond that, as I've grown and evolved. My own story has grown and evolved. A lot of people really want and need to understand manifesting and living according to universal law and working with the field rather than just spending their time hammering matter against matter, hammer against nail trying to make things work. It's so heavy and it's so slow. Really getting into that flow.
What I've helped people do all along the way is deal with all the things that come up when you reach for more and when you reach for expansion, when you reach for success and abundance and prosperity and well-being and healthy loving relationships and all the things that you desire and deserve. You learn to create and sustain them. Wow. Big breath because you can have all that.
What I ended up doing was committing fully to my own spiritual journey. I would walk through the fires first and I turned my whole life into an experiment. It's part of my wiring in my design. Then I would turn around and I would help others. Communication is also a drive for me; it's part of my wiring and design. So I live my life and then I turn around and I share it with others. This is what I have helped so many others be able to do. Turn your life's calling into a profitable and sustainable business you love and then beyond that turn your life's calling into an epic life you love.
A big part of that I'm going to talk about today is solving the problem of receiving money for your spiritual gifts. Indeed, the thing that comes the easiest to us and that we're giving away for free our whole life all over the place is what we should be paid the most for. Let that land some of you will be like yeah I know that others are saying Wait, what? You don't realize the goldmine you are sitting on and how to monetize that and be able to live this life that is calling to you that you're envisioning, but you don't really know how to live it.
Today I'm going to talk to you because this was a big hurdle for me. I worked as a therapist, I worked in nonprofits, I was helping and healing all over the place and advocate for communities working in victim services, then I went to seminary and I became a hospital chaplain and started speaking, teaching and writing books. But I still had a lot of money issues that got in the way and bottom line. There are old outdated paradigms that were never true in the first place that will tell you it is noble to suffer and be the martyr and especially that's come down generationally.
Part of what I work with is generational, family dysfunction and family systems and patterns and ancestral lineage, all of that. So solving the problem of receiving money for your spiritual gifts in whatever way. I have clients who do they have businesses as a psychic, a medium , a healer and intuitive coach, things like that.
I also train and certify spiritual coaches, which is the way that I love. It's what I've done is to take the umbrella of spiritual coach and put everything you do and want to do in all your gifts under that and create a personality branded business around that that will last you for life. Once you build the platform and the foundation and the structure which is what I've done in the past 15 years. I'm telling you I have still not been without a coach since 2009.
I wouldn't be and it's been a part of my success. So I really want to talk to you today about solving the problem of receiving money for your spiritual gifts as part of the Hero's Journey, because the Hero's Journey is about freedom. It's about living life your way, it's about fully expressing yourself. It's about standing in the now standing in the unknown.
The unknown is where you create everything new. Everything you create outside of that is the same. It may look different but that same all. Building my own spiritual business and becoming a spiritual entrepreneur. There has been the highest spiritual path I have ever stepped onto. Once I realized money is an excellent and profound spiritual teacher, it has grown me more, stretched me more, challenged me more and rewarded me more than anything I've ever done in my life.
If you were thinking about or considering our walking right now, this high spiritual path, I'm here for you, I've got you. I have served hundreds of clients, 1000s of students and I've been on this journey a long time and like I said, I have not been without a coach since 2009. So I've had lots of great teachers and mentors and advisors along the way. Honestly, at first, I wasn't sure if I could do this thing. Then I wasn't sure if I would do this thing. I found there are plenty of proven strategies that you use out there. I have invested in coaches and mentors and all the things for over 15 years now.
I have learned and implemented so many great strategies and created amazing results and now I teach them to my clients. What I learned is that it is not what you can do that makes all the difference but what you're willing to do, I want you to really get this. I can stand by it now. I don't ever tell you anything, especially absolutes until 100% can stand behind them and believe them.
I'm always willing to go first and do go first then turn around and help you. I learned that it is not what you can do. That makes all the difference but what you're willing to do. There are so many proven strategies and people who have pioneered ahead of us. Wow has this industry grown the healing industry and the coaching industry. I'm part of both the spiritual, the spiritual business, the spiritual entrepreneur, the healer, the intuitive, all of that. Wow, has it grown over the past decade and more, the more I was willing to walk this path to show up, make decisions and take aligned action.
The more I was willing to do all the things. I needed to do until I could do all the things I wanted to do. The more I became the person who could be this, do this and have this. What got in the way most is what I share with you. It's what I'm sharing with you in this series what I share with you in my books, especially my book from Calling to Cash, all of my books and by the way, the very first book I wrote you can now get a free digital copy of Mindset for Manifesting on Purpose. Go to It's right there for you. I will show you the way I had to do these things before I can have the profitable, sustainable spirit-led soul fulfilling business that I love that supports and sustains the life I want to live in. This is important.
So many of us and society really drills this into us, our families, cultures, and we find the job and then allow our lives to be structured around the job where I realized I'm going to at every stage and it changes every few years. I am going to always create a vision of the life I want to live and create a business that supports and sustains that and that is the true freedom. Yet, then you have to solve the problem of receiving money for your spiritual gifts. I am telling you yes, absolutely. You can become a healer. A coach, a mentor, a Spiritual Teacher, a Spiritual Leader, a Spiritual Healer, a Spiritual Coach with a profitable Spiritual business. You can help people live better lives and make money with your spiritual healing and intuitive gifts.
All the Gifts and life experience is what you bring to the table right now. Building spiritual business takes strategies, no doubt and there are plenty of them. But first it takes shifts. Here's where I show you the shifts and lead you through them step by step. I'm here to help you shift into using your Spiritual gifts to make money by showing you all the things I bumped up against and had to go through to clear the financial and spiritual blocks that keep you from being it, doing it and having it. This is the direct path to creating the business and the Life You Want To Live being the contribution you are here to be and getting paid well for it. Really feel that I feel that in my solar plexus. I feel that in my gut and in my knowing. I am here to be a contribution and until I added and get paid well for it. I suffered a lot. I took the roundabout path.
I learned a lot and that's why I'm committed and dedicated to helping you and once I found my way on this entrepreneurial hero's journey, I turned around and helped others I have helped hundreds of others,1000s of others. Now here you are, and I'm going to help you too. With all the resources I have. This podcast, my website, my books, and Facebook, I show up there almost every day inspiring and motivating. Make sure we are connected. You can go to and find out some things I have there for you. If that calls to you, if that being the contribution and getting paid well for it really speaks to you.
Making the shifts will help you to finally shift your results to achieve more of the success you desire and deserve. Making these shifts can help you become the spiritual teacher, the spiritual healer, the spiritual coach and the spiritual leader in whatever way as I was telling you before. Yes, I have clients who step out as psychics, mediums, healers, intuitive business coaches, coaches, life coaches, health coaches, wellbeing coaches, I have a client who's a styling coach, but underneath that she has a drive and a desire to help women feel good in their clothes and their bodies. Without waiting until they have to lose the next 10 pounds or they were younger, or whatever that is. She's doing transformational work. I have had clients in all lines of work, the full game that bring these principles into their work and their life because they are called to be a contribution and they've had to go out and live this not integrated life this segregated life.
So they're probably giving a lot away for free in their workplaces in their jobs or volunteering and all the things in their neighborhood. I did lots of that. Yet they are called to do it in a way that feeds them the highest good of all has to include you or it's not for the highest good. I will also tell you right in this moment being an entrepreneur or even a spiritual entrepreneur is not for everyone.
So if you right here and right now are like that's not for me. That's not what I'm looking for. There are other ways for you to express this. You could create a nonprofit, but if you're even like I don't want to build my own thing. Then find somebody who's already doing it. We need to plug people in that can support these missions. Find a place where you fit and you can do it but do not run through the streets, trying to save and rescue people and give what you have away for free.
Even if you're not the one in charge of bringing the money. You need to be under an umbrella where someone is bringing the money and I will just go off for one second on my soapbox and my tangent here. Iif you are not a 501 ( 3), you are not accepting love donations. You are charging fees, you're not saying pay me what I'm worth after the service or I've even see somewhere they said, decide whether you want to pay me or not after the service. Absolutely not.
If you tell the universe I don't know my value and worth. No one else will see it in you and compensate you. This will build low energy resentment, scarcity and lack and you can't be the contribution unless you're getting paid well for it or someone else is taking care of that part. Okay, climbing down off my soapbox for the minute. Making the shift so you can become, all you are called to be and dream of being this is the way to create a business with the work that is calling to you and build the life you want to live as you are with me as I'm teaching and training you.
You are using my resources or working with me in some capacity. We will uncover the secrets and dive deep into the ancient wisdom teachings that are available to us and apply them here now in a very powerful and practical way. This is a big part of everything I do. I live within universal law. I teach it. I live it, I speak it. I study it. I know it for decades and decades now.
I have turned my life into an experiment. It's so key for me living aligned with Spirit and source. The universe and its laws and the anxious wisdom none of these teachings are new every single person in the secret. I know a lot of them. I've studied with a lot of them. They all are bringing things all the way back to Think and Grow Rich, which also true on Ancient Wisdom Teachings. There is nothing new under the sun in the same way. If you say well everybody's already doing this, they're not doing it in your voice and the way you're doing it with your personal powerful stories and life experiences and gifts. You only need a small number of people to serve. There are billions of people and a global marketplace.
The first stage of this process is to understand who you are to help you identify your purpose. It's a common saying in our work, that your mess is your message. Yes, when you know how to use it. In building your business and building that personality branded platform and getting out there and selling and serving. You're going to gather a community around you, feed them serve them and sell to them. It is important to remember they are not your support group. I have seen so many come on to the scene and make mistakes that take their business down before they even get it started. They hear so much about sharing their story and being vulnerable. The truth is you live your life. Share your journey, walk through fires experience what your potential clients are feeling and thinking and going through, get yourself to the other side.
Then turn around and reach back and help them get from where they are to where you are. You will do this over and over again. You share your mess when you're on the other side of it. That's how your mess becomes your million dollar message. In that way too, you've got to get visible and vulnerable to share. That's what draws people to you. It's in your powerful personal stories that they can resonate with and relate to then turn around and reach back and help them get from where they are to where you are.
You grow and evolve. Your clients grow and evolve and your business grows and evolve. Your life grows and evolves in the most remarkable and magical ways. There are going to be tough times, yes. That is why you have a coach, a mentor, a teacher, a spiritual advisor, a healer, a therapist, a pastor, a mastermind group. That is where you work through your own stuff. I'm working through my own stuff all the time, but not with the people I'm serving. I'm at least two steps ahead of them. I'm going through the stuff that I'm going to sell next year. When you live your life this way as a spiritual journey as a spiritual teacher and a spiritual leader and coach and healer and author and messenger and all of that mystic all of that.
You are always growing and evolving in everything you're going to you're going to turn around and sell it next year. You're never static, you're never stuck. Once you start having clients they are going to show up with your stuff. They are going to trigger your stuff. This is why it is so important to have a way to deal with it so it doesn't spill over into your work and onto your clients.
When I was training to be a therapist, I had to go through counseling both individual and group. When I was in seminary, I had to attend week long intensives where we got into our stuff. This is sacred work. Do it is often said You are your own first client. This is true. When your client pays you in they step into this container and I call it the magic container because inside this container is you me and Spirit.
So in this magic container, we are co-creating you have paid me to not get triggered by my stuff and to allow you to work out your stuff. In the container, it is my job. Your clients are going to play out their money stuff their mommy and daddy stuff. They are going to be in pain and sometimes they're going to project on you. They are going to play out their stuff. This has to be a safe place for them to do that. You have got to be prepared. People come especially when I started teaching people how to build their business.
They hired me to help them build their business and then their stuff came up with their marriage with childhood traumas with deep abuse, with all kinds of things that were coming up, and you have to be prepared. Now, because of my background that is part of my container. There are lots of coaches that say okay, I'm a business coach, I'm not dealing with I'm not equipped to deal with that. But then you at least need to be able to talk to your clients about getting the support. I see this is coming up.
You're getting the other support they need and you can't get triggered and take it personally. Anytime something shows up three times, you're always going to have clients who act out or for instance, clients who get wonky with them with their money. They're actually playing out their money stuff with you. That's why you've got to learn to hold that. They'll want to fall out they want to blame you. They'll want to make up excuses and stories. This is where you fully show up for them. In that way, you've got to be equipped to deal with that.
When anything shows up, three times or more, either all with clients all in your business or in multiple areas of your life. It's a pattern pay attention. You have told the universe, here's where I want to go, here's what I want to do. Here's what I want to be in. Here's what I want to have. The universe says absolutely ask and it is given.
Now hear all the things that need to be cleared, healed and resolved for you to have what you want. That's important work and that's a big part of the work I do with my clients. Part of what you're going to be doing here is learning how to understand who you are, because it helps you identify your purpose. These are all things coming in upcoming episodes, so in the Hero's Journey series that we are doing right now on the Working for Spirit podcast, learning to understand who you are helping you identify your purpose.
We're going to talk about you being able to find out why it's so hard to really get into who you are, who the universe says you are who you are designed to be, who you are wired to be and who you are becoming. I'm going to give you tools on where to start and how. Know that once you open up to this process, these steps will appear for you and invite you to step in and then use want to be able to see that and say yes, that's another big piece that you sometimes need support with the opportunity show up the minute you start asking but we can't always see them or you don't want to because often they appear to be illogical, uncomfortable, inconvenient, and yes, even expensive.
In this sacred work, you are taking your soul into the marketplace. You are speaking to your soul and uncovering your unique soul message that desires and requires to be expressed. I have learned over the years the more I'm willing to fully align with that and fully be that and be fully expressed my whole life goes better and I am supported and rewarded beyond belief.
The first thing you will come face to face with is that you will have to come out from selling processes and modalities if you are already doing this or if that's the model that is the only one you know you'll have to stop selling minutes for dollars that doesn't create freedom and it doesn't serve you or your clients.
You are your brand. People are buying your energy and access to you. You show up your soul in the marketplace people are buying your energy and access to you. You will recognize that what you are selling is you from there you'll start moving into connecting with and claiming your spiritual gifts, your life experiences finding your powerful personal stories, beginning to really practice and master your craft and you need a plan for that. I still am practicing and mastering my craft and paying other people to help me do that. I love doing it. I often incorporate travel in it because I love that meeting new people and getting out there in the world.
Your gifts have been with you since you were born to use them professionally. You will need to develop them and become an expert and a master at what you do. As you're learning to connect with and claim your gifts and develop and master your craft, you're going to find out that you are sitting on a goldmine. This is what you came here to bring to the world. What percent of your true gifts and true expression are you offering to the world right now?
What value are you bringing to the world that will be mirrored back to what you receive and how your life looks and your level of fulfillment and prosperity and abundance. It's not about being a good person. It's not about selfless serving or giving away or any of that. It's not about suffering. You just don't know yet that what you are really selling is access to you and your energy. You maybe haven't learned the best ways to wrap it all into a package to make it profitable and sustainable.
In every life there is a student path and a master path. This is the shift where you step off the student path and onto the master path. You will get clear on your greatest gifts and how to maximize and monetize them. You will come face to face with your thoughts feelings and beliefs about your value and worth. No one will value you and pay you what you are worth until you do and you have to claim it. You will bump up against your limiting beliefs and your doubts and fears.
It is so important not to leave it open for others to decide what they will pay you or put a value on your work. That is for you to decide. I talk to my clients and students a lot all the time about these outdated practices of holding an event with a set fee and then calling it a lovedonation, but you absolutely expect them to donate. That's an air quotes if you're not a 501(C) (3) and as I was talking a minute ago, you do not ask for donations. This is a sneaky way to ask for money for your business, but appear that you are not.
If you have a set amount of money you are asking people to pay then that is a cost or a fee not a donation. You are not a charity unless you are. I also do not like pay what you want. But some people in our industry still do this. You're telling people they can determine your value and worth and they can pay you whatever they want. These are energetic leaks and drains that tell the Universe what you are available for and leave you dissatisfied. They confuse the clients you want to attract and keep. When people are asked they don't like this practice. It makes them feel uncomfortable.
You know who likes it? People who don't want to pay you, what you're worth, don't value you for what you are worth, making a habit of searching out for and getting all they can without an even energetic exchange. Is that the client you want and start telling the universe you are available for when you regularly engage in these practices as a form of energy exchange. You will attract a lot more Yes, I did you stand up on my soapbox again for a few moments. PSA complete.
Maybe, your packaging your process for profit and profit is not a dirty word. Whatever, all the words we use for money will make you think feel believe and act in ways that are reactive and triggered. It is an invitation for you to clean up your money crap. If you are not packaging your process for profit, then file the 501 (C) 3 and run your own nonprofit but make sure you understand that includes bringing on a board of directors and you lose control of your own business. I founded four of them then I made a decision to build a for profit business and let my business give back in ways that make me happy. Many of my mentors and coaches have done this very thing and have been great role models for me. The thing to recognize about a nonprofit is in reality if you're going to start one yourself, you will still be dealing with money. Someone has to write the grants and ask for donations.
I found it for my own nonprofits. None of them are currently active. There are reasons why and I worked in the nonprofit world for a decade. What many end up doing is having a very expensive hobby I did and running a charity that runs out of money because they are the bank. You get to choose for profit business, nonprofit, volunteer work, or charity you need to choose before you move forward too far.
I had to clean up a lot of mess to move forward after I first opened my business 18 months later. I'm going to be talking to you about creating a vision of the life you want to live in creating a business that supports and sustains that I'm teaching you a tool that I teach all my clients. It's a tool I teach when I'm speaking on stages radio shows and TELUS Summit, which I do often speak for my business. It's a very powerful way to connect with new clients. I will be showing you things you can incorporate into your daily life and use them over and over again. I take my books out with me when I travel and speak and I create a signature talk and valuable content to get it and this body of work out in the world to support me in my business. A lot of you that have a message of book is calling to you are part of that. When I created the vision of the life I wanted to live. I added travel into my vision and I've kept it there. I wanted to travel for my business and I wanted to do more travel with my family, my husband and with my friends. I also wanted to travel by myself for spiritual retreats and spiritual quests through my business. I have been able to do all these my life is completely integrated. All of it is part of my business. So even for tax purposes, that serves me in a lot of ways. I'm going to be talking to you throughout this series about understanding universal law and how it works for you and with you.
Energy is everything. It all matters. It all counts everything I do in everything I do, who I talk to you about Money freedom, time freedom, spiritual freedom and financial freedom. You cultivate the mindset of a spiritual entrepreneur. You become the person who is an expert and authority a master at what they do. Leader, a teacher and a person who is living a life they love and doing the work they are made to do. It takes commitment to be in business now and to make good business decisions to make your business profitable and sustainable.
A lot of people in these industries they come and go and building a spiritual business is a spiritual journey. It's the most intensive personal and spiritual growth and development program you could ever enroll in. I assure you though. The payoffs are out of this world. As you come more and more into my world and in my community, and take part in these resources I offer you and if you choose to work with me, privately or in groups or through classes or programs now or in the future, I always invite you and support you and guide you to shift your spiritual wealth mindset to be the contribution you're here to be and get paid well for it. Above that, to live the spiritual journey of your dreams and to create the epic life you love living to turn your life's calling into an epic life you love.
I have so many things to talk to you about in all the resources I've already created for you and moving forward about understanding confusion. It's a defense mechanism and if you're allowing yourself to stay in confusion for any amount of time, there's always a way out and you are choosing to stay there and use it. Tapping into your feeling guidance system working with your beliefs and how the highest good of all has to include you or it's not the highest good. I will go beyond that. I'll just plant the seed here because for some people they hear that the highest good of all has to include you or it's not the highest good and they go Yeah.
When I first heard it, I was in such a place that I was like wait what? But I can't because often other people's agendas and needs and wants and desires. I have to suffer and be self-serving and help others that's why I'm here right? I kept burning myself to the ground and serving from an empty well and then having to get back up and rebuild and I didn't have the power. Now I'm always able to show up and serve every day. No matter the opportunity and have complete freedom and resources to do that. Wow. So recognizing the shifts, I will tell you now that scene I was going to play I knew. I've actually now come to recognize and realize and lean into living more fully and completely.
The highest good of all, if you actually are always working in the highest good for you, it will invariably affect the highest good of all in the highest and best way. Just let that land. Part of shifting into a spiritual wealth mindset and being able to deal with all things spiritual business and money when they show up together in the same room is to learn how to drop your money story.
I have a free resource for learning how to Drop your Money Story as well as a low cost five-week workshop. This is something I work with my clients on all the time and I'm going to do more episodes on it. Right now, you can go to I've already got a whole episode on it. If you would like to go and listen to that you haven't already. This is huge identifying and dropping your stories, especially your money story.
I'm going to continue to work with you on this and the same way I work with my clients. I had to learn both how to deal with my own money story and also how to not fall into my clients money stories, how to not fall into your money stories, or I can't be a support to you. The Money Story is a powerful thing. Once you let it, once you stop letting it be your Achilles heel, it can be turned into your superpower. It's so true. Listen, if you told me a decade ago, 15,20 years ago, that I would have a whole platform around spirituality, business and money. I would have flagged as a mess.
I didn't know about running a business or any of that even when I started my business. I wasn't able to talk about business and money. I began with what I was really good at what I was already two steps ahead of people with. From there, I got better and better by practicing and mastering my craft and my getting out there and selling what I had to the people who wanted it now not just stuck in the trap of practicing and mastering my craft until I'm good enough. I'm always practicing and mastering my craft. I'm always out there offering it and selling it to those people who want and need it.
I really want to encourage you to learn to identify and clean up the stuff that is getting in your way to move forward. Take these tools and start filling your spiritual toolbox. Start using them today. I talk a lot about Ho'oponopono and using that if you're aware of it great because we do a lot with it. If not read the book zero limits or Google Ho'oponopono.
You are in for a powerful tool that change my life and can do the same for yours. Clearing and healing your mental and emotional clutter. It was one of the biggest things I had to do to even be able to start this business. I've devoted a lot of time in my life for this so that I can now help you. Remember that that I wrote and all about that. An often overlooked key element in your business is your emotional business management.
This helps you get through these money things and have those breakthroughs for the profitable and sustainable business. Understand, we even are wired in different ways in the same way that different energies exist in nature. We have to learn the way we're wired and designed and work with our own energy because your energy drives everything and your energy affects every area of your life. Learning to identify your key energetic patterns and find out find your way to a breakthrough be willing to do this deeper work to make and to hold on to money to have money to receive money to give money.
The energetic pattern you're operating with influences your leadership style your needs and your strength gaps. It gives you clues about warning cues where you're most likely to stumble, the way to breakthroughs and your first next step. You see what I'm telling you about there, plenty of proven strategies and doing those strategies at the same time doing this deep inner work.
Today I'm just making you aware of a lot of pieces and if you stay with me with this Hero's Journey series over these next weeks, and if you want to go back and listen to the first two that were done in the past few weeks, we're gonna dive deeper into every one of these but first I have to plant the seeds and open you to them so I can start creating an awareness for you and in everything I do. As I'm talking to your mind, I am also working with you on an energetic level, communicating to you through my voice and through my energy so you can be open for your own opening and your own awareness.
We do go into our past but with a big purpose. You want to learn to make peace with your past and it's helpful to allow you to gain power for your future. You first learned about money and other important things from the beginning. We're gonna go much deeper into this. It's energetic as I was telling you before you had language even inside the womb, and as you come out, you start absorbing the energy that you're in that you're born into that you're around plus you bring with you into this life with this body and this family you've chosen and this journey. You first learned about money and these other important things and carry that with you in ways that are impacting your life today.
There are powerful processes to connect you with your ancestral lineage and ways that you can learn how to put down what is not yours to carry. How to stop being loyal to things in your family that don't serve you that are all unconscious, how to clear heal and resolve unresolved issues. Issues problems that are showing up right now in your business are our unresolved childhood issues. Problems that are showing up in your relationships right now are our unresolved childhood issues. Right now if you go to my YouTube channel, Michelle Barr on YouTube, I made available to you for free an ancestral clearing process. My clients and students love it. They use it all the time. They ask for it all the time. So I did this live. It's in one of my books and I did it live at a spiritual retreat.
Now I've made it available to you so if this part is pinging you. Go to my YouTube channel and get the ancestral lineage clearing and healing. It is powerful. I'm going to talk more about this I'm going to do a whole episode on it. From answering your calling to deciding you can make money with your gifts to shifting into the mindset of a spiritual entrepreneur. You will be covering a lot of ground and everything changes when you add money to the equation and that's what I had to walk through one of my big fires and now I've come to join you. I learned how to create money freedom and true financial freedom and to create the money I want need when I want need it. I am here to take you on the most amazing of all journeys, your spiritual journey to turn your life's calling into an epic life you love. Stay with me. Let's go Let's do it.
This is an episode in the Hero's Journey series. I'm so excited to bring it to you. Thank you for being here today. Let that land absorb it pieces that stuck out to you or spoke to you or called to or that you can't get out of your mind. After you get off listening to this podcast. Maybe you go and listen to a few of my other episodes or go back and to this series or go back to my Drop your Money Stories or whatever speaks to you. Let this land open to it.
This will seep in and it will work on you beyond your conscious awareness as I guide you to moving along the continuum to more conscious creating rather than unconscious creating. It's not black and white. It's not one or the other. And it's a process and it's a journey. Anything I have done you can do and I had mentor steps ahead of me that have taught me so I'm moving forward knowing that anything they are being, doing and having is available to me. I'm gonna leave you with that.